15. Courage

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Chapter 15- May 15th "Courage"

SAO Survivors School Hostel

I had been at the survivor's school for a month now and yet my anxieties when it came to Liz still buzzed around me as much as they had back when I first met her in SAO.

The only time where I could stop thinking about her was when in a fight in ALO or at my Jujutsu class. And then when I was with her my voice would quieten, my pulse would rise and I'd go red.

For a while I had been trying to control these emotions on my own but now I just felt like I had no choice but to seek help from someone about the subject.

But I couldn't ask anyone from the group, they all knew us both too well and I'd make a fool of myself. So I went to the only other person I could, Sora.

Even after he had agreed to come over I felt like this was going to be a mistake. We had become closer over the past few months but asking him for advice about a girl? This was going to end up being another joke with me as the punch line.

As I contemplated my impending doom I heard a knock at the door. "Come on brother it's raining outside and my coats all wet! Security really takes their time checking your ID!" I heard Sora call as I opened the door. He barged his way past me and into my room shaking off water all over my small living space. At least he had the decency to remove his shoes and place his wet coat on the back of the chair.

He wasted no time snooping around and I regretted my decision more with every passing moment. He slid open the door to my bedroom and peered inside before grabbing for something from my desk. He turned around waving my AmuSphere in the air and tutting.

Oh shit! I should have hidden that away!

"What are you doing with one of these little brother? Mum and dad would have a fit if they found out you were using this."

I just stood there in silence staring at the floor. He wasn't wrong, they would be upset with me and it would probably panic them.

Sora walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder "are you sure you are safe using this thing?" He sounded concerned. I nodded slowly. "And does this thing make you happy?" I nodded again expecting some kind of chastisement in response.

Instead Sora just went and placed it back in my bedroom. When he turned back he smiled at me and said "its ok your secret is safe with me." I looked up at him awe struck. "What? If you are being safe and you are enjoying it then its ok with me, but if you're going to tell mum and dad about it just make sure to have your running shoes on." He said with a wink. "God listen to me I sound like a dad giving his son a sex talk."

Sora sat down in the chair in my living area before speaking again. "So what it is you wanted to talk to me about anyway?"

I sat on the sofa opposite Sora and I took a deep breath. Here goes. "Well there is this girl I met in SAO..."

"Oh god this is the sex talk isn't it?" Sora interrupted.

"No just shut up and listen!" I retaliated in an angry voice. Sora went quiet and nodded with a big smirk on his face.

"So I met this girl in SAO and I liked her then but I never acted on it cause I had to focus on... well not dying. But now she is at my school and we see each other all the time... I can't stop thinking about her and its driving me nuts. But Rika is also my friend and I don't want that to go away." I took a long pause before continuing. "I just don't know what I should do." As my confessions flowed I waited and waited for a sarcastic response but none came.

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