11. The End of the World

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Chapter 11- November 7th 2024- "The End of the World"

75h floor- Corinea

As predicted the call to assemble arrived on the morning of the 7th. However instead of being a call to arms from Asuna as usual, this one came directly from Heathcliff's account. The assault team was to meet in the town of Corinea, the major settlement of the 75th floor.

As I waited in the plaza I tried to push down the feelings of anxiety that I had and psyche myself up for the battle. Usually this was a simple process, so practiced by this point that I wouldn't even have to do it consciously anymore. But this time was different.

I heard the sound of the teleport gate activate and looked around to see Kirito and Asuna step out of it hand in hand. I made my way to them as briskly as I could without sprinting. Asuna was the first to spot my approach and held up a hand as I came nearer.

"Hey Tyzn, how have you been?" she asked with a smile.

"We need to talk" I interjected.

Asuna must have seen something written all over my face as rather than chastising my bluntness a genuine look of concern crossed her own face and she nodded.

"I've had a bad feeling about this boss for a couple of days now, after the last one having a teleport blocker I've gotta believe that this one will have one too."

Kirito stepped closer and asked "You didn't hear about the scouting team?" My eyes went wide. Oh god what happened? "Heathcliff sent a party of 20 to scout the boss, but when the first 10 in hit the centre of the room the doors closed. When they opened again the team was gone."

"That idiot!" I shouted a little too loudly. This caused Kirito to recoil slightly and Asuna gave me a grimaced look. All around me people stopped and stared in my direction, but my seething anger blocked out my concern about it. In a more hushed tone I continued "I told him it was too dangerous to scout the boss!"

"Wait you spoke to the commander?" Asuna asked confusedly.

"Yeah I gave him the map data to the door, it made sense at the time but now... now ten people are dead because of it"

"Don't blame yourself" Kirito said trying to console me "its Heathcliff who sent them not you."

"Even so I don't like our chances against this boss. We have no idea what its attacks or weaknesses are and now it is going to trap the whole assault team in with it. I dunno I just have a bad feeling."

Kirito placed his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah I've had a bad feeling about this for a while too."

Just then a message popped up in front of me.

Asuna has invited you to join her party.

Both I and Kirito looked bewildered at it for a moment before simultaneously looking up at Asuna.

"Oh don't give me that look" she said, "just think about it. The three strongest players in the Assault Team in one party watching each other's backs, whatever this boss throws at us we can handle it."

A big smile formed on Asuna's lips and she flashed us both the victory sign. I must admit she makes a good point I thought to myself. I began to feel the anxieties slip away at last. With Asuna, Kirito and me working together we should be unstoppable.

I looked at Kirito who just smiled and nodded in return. I let out a long sigh and pressed the accept button. Asuna and Kirito's health bars appeared in my vision and I couldn't help but smile for the first time in days.

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