32. Resurface

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Authors note: So since we're now back to events specifically shown within the light novels/ anime, I've decided that when discussions are made between characters that do not involve Tyzn I will simply gloss over what is said to save transcribing it all, but it did make writing this chapter a pain in the ass so sorry in advance if it's a bit sloppy.

Also for the next few chapters expect some VERY heavy spoilers of season 2.

Chapter 32 December 14th 2025 "Resurface"

Kirito and Asuna's Apartment, ALO

Asuna had called us all over to her place in ALO. Apparently the reason that Kirito had been absent for the last couple of days was that he had converted over to another game called GGO to compete in a grand tournament.

Something seemed off to me about it. The game used real world guns as its main feature, way outside of Kirito's usual wheelhouse. What's more by converting his account over to another game that was this different, he ran the risk of losing his items in ALO. I had tried to ask Asuna about it and although she seemed worried she wouldn't give up any info.

Regardless of what was going on it was always fun whenever we collected together to watch a tournament together.

The girls and Klein discussed how they hadn't seen Kirito at all yet and how it was out of character for him not to be running around from one fight to the next. It just added another layer of confusion to the whole event, I was still finding it hard to wrap my head around the underlying reasons for the sudden shift to GGO.

Everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves though so I tried my best to push my curiosity aside.

Liz was enthralled by a player called Pale Rider. As a primarily agility based character myself I could appreciate his fast movements and swift closure with his target as the other player emptied an entire magazine hitting nothing but air. This was followed by a swift execution of his target.

However out of nowhere he was hit with a silent paralysis attack and soon after a strange cloaked figure stood over him. Behind his hood we could see two glowing red eyes. It was an image that I had seen before somewhere but couldn't place.

A sudden shot rang out and a mass of debris was kicked into the air, yet as it settled the masked figure remained in place and pulled a pistol out of his cloak. He fired a single shot into Pale Rider who took a very tiny amount of damage from the attack and soon sprung up to retaliate as the paralysis wore off.

But something stopped him dead in his tracks as he fell to the floor clutching his chest. Something was very wrong with what just happened and I felt a wave of fear rise up as a disconnection sign popped up in place of his body.

As the masked figure spoke memories came flooding back.

I've seen him, heard that voice, but where? Aincrad! It had to be SAO.

Through my concentration I heard the words "It's ShowTime!"


I heard a glass smash behind me as Asuna and Klein worked out what I just had, though who it was still eluded me. I was using all my energy to try and focus, to remember any information in the hopes of setting my mind at ease. A question focused at me redrew my attention to the room.

"Do you remember his name Tyzn?" Asuna asked.

"No... I... I don't" I could barely get my words out as the fear gripped me. It was taking all my strength to hold it back, to concentrate and find that little piece that would make it all fall into place. I had to before my PTSD would kick in and the other side of me would try to force its way out. I could feel that fear boiling just under the surface again and the thoughts of losing myself once more only added to it.

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