Chapter 1: "I'm not interested."

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A/N: If you haven't read Almost Lover yet, please read that first! This is the sequel to that and a lot of the story won't make sense if you don't read that first! :)

-Ava's POV-

"See you in the morning Ava."

"Night Jenna." I smile at my assistant as I push open the glass doors and walk into the parking lot.

The wind whips through my hair as I make my way to my car, throwing my bag in the back before jumping in.

I pull onto the freeway, happy to have missed the heavy traffic by working late. If there's one thing I hate about LA, it's the traffic.

Twenty minutes later I'm pulling into the large mansion my grandmother used to call home. She designed it herself and put every ounce of love into it as possible.

For that reason alone I haven't been able to sell it. It's so much more then I would ever need, ridiculously so, but its a small way to keep her with me.

I pull into one of the garage bays and make my way inside.

"I'm home!" I yell out as soon as I step inside.

"Kitchen!" I hear called back.

I swiftly make my way there, the smell of garlic bread getting stronger with every step I take.

"Well look who's become quite the little chef." I say as I dip a spoon into the sauce on the stovetop.

"Keep your greedy hands to yourself. It's not done yet."

I pout and take a seat at the bar, but am just ignored as he hurries about the kitchen, rinsing noodles and opening wine.

"A girl could get used to this." I comment as a plate is set in front of me, filled with Italian food.

"Don't get your hopes up. I'm not changing professions anytime soon."

"Shame." I smile at him as I pop a spoonful of food in my mouth, loving the fact we aren't having take out once again. We both work far to much to ever have time to cook.

"So what's the occasion?" I ask as I take a sip of my wine.

"You're my guinea pig." He smiles at me.


"I may have a date I want to cook for." He looks down at his plate, trying to hide his grin.

"Finn Edwards, you have a date?!" I ask, shocked.

"Yes, now stop blubbering on about it." He rolls his eyes at me.

"Who is she?"

"I met her at a coffee house a few weeks ago. We just got to talking and hit it off."

"Awe, did your little British accent and cheeky grin win her over?" I laugh, leaning over and pinching his cheek.

"Sod off Ava." He laughs, smacking my hands away.

"So what's her name? When's your date? Oh my gosh, I know just what you should wear!" I ramble off as he shakes his head at me.

"Her name is Jules, the date is this Friday, and I can pick out my own clothes just fine. All you need to do is tell me if the food is good and make sure you stay well away on Friday night."

I narrow my eyes at him, "You ruin all my fun."

"Maybe you should try going on a date yourself." He raises his eyebrows at me.

"Not interested." I shrug.

"Ava, it's almost been a year. I've lived with you for six months now and I haven't even seen you flirt with a lad."

"I'm not interested." I repeat myself, hurriedly trying to eat the rest of my food.

We eat in silence for awhile, and I'm relieved the discussion didn't go any further.

"Liam asked about you again." Finn breaks the silence, causing me to inwardly groan.



"Finn...." I shake my head at him, knowing exactly where he's going with this.

"He's a really nice lad Ava, and he fancies you."

"So you've told me." I sigh.

"Just go have a drink with him. See where it goes. It would be good for you."

"I don't know..."

"Tell you what, I'll give him your number. If he rings you by Friday, you go out with him. If he doesn't, then you can stay in your little shell."

"Im not in a shell." I defend. "I just work a lot and I don't have time to date."

"I'm giving him your number. Now tell me how good the food was." He orders as he grabs both our empty plates, placing them in the sink.

"It was delicious, Judy will love it."

"Jules." He corrects me, knowing full well I know what her name is.

I stick my tongue out at him as I leave the kitchen, heading to my bedroom.

After taking a shower, I slide into bed, annoyed that I have to get up so early again tomorrow morning.

I pull the covers over myself, staring at the empty bed next to me, feeling alone as I do every night.

Maybe I should go out with Liam. After all, he is a really nice guy like Finn said. And he is fairly good looking.

But not as good looking as you know who, my subconscious reminds me.

I sigh and roll over, telling myself the same thing I have every night for the past eleven months.

You're over him Ava. You're over him.

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