Chapter 33: Passion and Pictures

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-Ava's POV-

"What no salad?" I ask as several slices of pizza are set down in front of us.

"Very funny. I do eat regular food. Just not in amounts that could feed small villages."

"I'm going to wait to respond to that insult until Niall is present."

"So you two can gang up on me again?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"It's not ganging up, it's more of a United front."

"Suuuuure. You're a proper food bully McCain."

I return Harry's smile. I swear his dimples alone could move me to give up carbs altogether. But of course I won't tell him that.

"It's called passion."

"Remind me to buy you a variety of baked and fried goods next time you're sore at me." He chuckles.

"I can't be bought with food."

"I've seen you forgive Louie for torching your Jimmy Choos for a side of bacon." He scoffs at me.

"Yeah well... I was in a forgiving mood."

"You were drooling." He laughs, shaking his head at me.

"Hey, you picked this." I defend, motioning towards myself, "Food addictions and all."

"That I did." He grins at me, "And you picked me. Healthy eating and all."

"You're cute so I made some concessions." I shrug, taking another bite of my pizza as Harry laughs.

We fall into silence, content with staring at one another and smiling while finishing our lunch.

At least I'm content. Harry looks gorgeous as usual, even with his fedora perched on top of his long hair. I try to make fun of it as much as possible, but he knows I secretly love it. It's so different and so.. Harry.

His plaid button up shirt is opened just enough to give me a glimpse of his chest, reminding me of how it feels to run my hands across it.

My cheeks blush at the thought and I look down at my food as Harry chuckles.

"What?" I ask, trying my best to sound innocent.

"You're so easy to read." He laughs. "Stop undressing me with your eyes."

"I wasn't!" I widen my eyes at him, glancing around to make sure no one else on the crowded patio heard him.

"Nothing to be ashamed of love. I was doing the same." He smirks at me. Damn that smirk, it's going to be the death of me.

"You were picturing yourself naked?" I ask, pretending to be shocked.

"Yes... with you." He replies, knowing he's won our little game.

I can't help but laugh with him, loving how happy he looks right now.

"I'm gonna run to the restroom." I announce as I stand up.

"Are you trying to tell me you want to snog in the loo?" He pretends to get up but I quickly push him back down in his seat.

"Not a chance Styles." I roll my eyes at him as I walk away.

When I return from the bathroom I find Harry standing up next to the fence that encircles the patio, talking to three teenage girls.

I hesitate before walking over to our table, cursing myself for not at least attempting to make myself presentable today. I blame my stomach and it's insatiable need to eat for my hurried look.

I had grabbed the first things my hand touched out of my closet, that being a yellow tank top and pair of Jean shorts. I basically dusted powder on my cheeks and threw my hair into a miserable excuse for a messy bun.

So in other words I look horrible. I don't even want to think about how much worse I appear when I'm standing next to someone who looks like Harry.

I try to remain unseen as I take a seat at our table.


My head snaps up, seeing the girls waving at me and Harry motioning for me to come over. Seriously Harry!?

I slap a smile on my face as I begrudgingly get up and make my way over to them.

"Hi." I smile at them as Harry throws his arm over my shoulder.

"This is Bethany, Emily, and Tori." He informs me as the girls all nod and look at him with dreamy eyes.

"Girls, this is Ava." He smiles at me, making my heart race at how proud he is to introduce me.

"We just love you guys together!"

I laugh, feeling relief after how worried I was. "Nice to meet you."

"Wow, you're so pretty!"

I blush as Harry wraps his arm around my waist.

"Love your hair!" One of them giggles.

"Aw thanks! Harry showed me how to do it." I joke. "No one can do a messy bun like Harry."

They all genuinely laugh as Harry shakes his head at me.

"Can we have a picture?"

Harry nods and they take turns taking pics with him then turn to me. "Can we have one with you too?"

I nod, trying to not show how shocked I am at their request. Why in the world would anyone want a picture with me?

I take one with each of them, praying I look halfway pretty as they each give me a hug before having Harry sign various things for them.

I smile as I watch him interact with them. He is always so great with his fans.

They give us numerous thank you's before leaving, giggling as they go.

Harry turns to me, a goofy grin covering his face, "They loved you."

"They love you." I laugh, "So much that it just kinda encompassed me too."

"Nah, they fancy you." He takes my hand and kisses my temple as we head towards the car.

"What time are we meeting everyone tonight?"

"Ummmm. Seven I think."

"What do you want to do this afternoon?"

"Dunno. What do you want to do?"

"Doesn't matter to me." I answer as he gets behind the steering wheel.

"Hmmm. Maybe snogging for a few minutes would help us figure things out." He smirks at me.

"Maybe." I smile at him as he pulls out onto the road.


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