Chapter 88: Waking Up

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-Ava's POV-

A soft beeping...

I can hear it.

The sound is faint, quiet. Slow.

I fight my eyelids. They're so heavy.

The beeping continues... louder, faster.

I focus... fighting harder, trying to will my eyes to open.

Small blinks. I'm in a dark room.

I try again, it's a little easier, but not much.

The beeping grows even louder, but there's something else. Footsteps... A hot breath on my face. A light turned on.

"Av. Av.... Ava... Ava."

The sound is muffled. I struggle, blinking again.

I feel my hand gripped gently, a light squeeze. The skin is warm.

Another touch, to my face. A large hand softly touching the skin.

"Av.... Please love. Open your eyes for me baby." The voice is deep, slow. Raspy.

I battle my eyelids, forcing them open.

Bright green eyes... dimpled smile...


"Ava.." He chokes out, "God baby.. I missed you..."

Tears, happy ones, running down his cheeks. I try to move, that's when I feel it.

A cast on my hand, shooting pains in my stomach, a tube down my throat.

I panic.

I cough, choke. My hand flies up to the tube inserted into my mouth, fingers grasping it.

"Ava, don't!"

Harry grabs my hand, pulling it away from my face. I try to fight him, I need it out.

The beeping... So much faster.

He leans across me, his other fist slamming into the call button on my bed over and over.

"Help!" His voice is loud as he yells over and over.

I try to yank my hand away from his, but it's no use. His hold on it is to tight, and I'm so weak.

Suddenly more people are standing over me. A man, a woman. Pushing Harry away from me, his hand leaves mine.

I try to say no. More choking.

"Ava, we need you to calm down. We'll get it out, but you have to calm down." A relaxed voice tells me.

I reach out for him, but he isn't there anymore. I try to sit up, a pain shoots through my body, my shoulders are held down.

"Ava, calm down. You need to calm down." The voice is stern, this time the man is speaking. "I'm Dr. Stephens. I'm going to remove the tube, but you have to be very still. You understand me?"

My eyes shoot to him, I nod slightly.

"When I tell you to, I'm going to need you to take a deep breath then cough. You understand me Ava?"

I nod again as he leans over me, his hands messing with the tube for a moment.

"Alright.. Now Ava."

I suck in a deep breath, coughing as the tube is pulled out. I almost feel as if I'm going to be sick, the feel of the long tube being removed and running up my throat making me gag.

Then it's gone. I suck in a deep breath. Pain.

"How are you Ava? You alright?" The doctor asks me.

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