Chapter 10: "Thank you."

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-Harry's POV-

I follow the fellas into the club, still feeling a bit numb from tonight's events.

I've thought about seeing her for so long I was beyond shocked when it actually happened.

I don't even know how many times I deleted her number then stole it off one of the lads phones, only to delete it again. I'd compose text after text, but was never able to express how I felt. Countless times my finger would linger over the call button. I just wanted to hear her voice. I wanted to know she was alright.

The thought of anything happening to her kept me up at night. Nightmares of Scott getting her alone made me hate sleep. Me hating sleep. How fucked up is that?

"Mate, you want a drink?" Liam asks me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I shake my head no and follow Zayn and Louie into the crowd as Liam and Niall head the other way. I try to feign happiness when various artists come up to congratulate us, but its getting harder by the second. The last thing I want is to be in a room full of people right now. I need to be alone, in quiet, so I can actually think.

"Can you at least try to not look like you have a stick up your arse?" Louie asks me quietly.

"Sod off." I roll my eyes at him and walk away. He's been giving me shit for months about how I've been acting when he acted the same bloody way until the day he went crawling back to El. It took him a proper six weeks before he decided he couldn't live without her, no matter what she'd done.

Not that I can say much. I did the same thing to Ava. Well not the exact same thing, El was fully aware of what she was doing while I was to pissed to even remember what happened that night.

I find an empty space along the wall and lean against it, happy that it seems to make me less noticeable. I would just leave if I could, but the lads would have a proper fit over it.

I look over the crowd, my eyes going from one person to the next with no interest. Suddenly I catch a glimpse of long brown hair and my heart skips a beat. The woman turns around to speak to someone next to her, her face coming into view. It's not Ava. Of course it isn't.

I watch the woman interact with her friends, laughing at something one of them said. I should be doing the same right now instead of sulking in the corner over a woman who doesn't even care about me.

I push myself off the wall as the woman and her friends head toward the bar, revealing a site that makes my blood boil. Ava trying to push off some prick that has his bloody hands all over her.

I don't hesitate as I head quickly towards them. I faintly hear Ava yell at him to let her go, but he only grabs her ass in response.

"Or what?" He asks her as I stop behind her.

"Or I'm going to kick your fucking ass." I answer for her.

The man looks over her shoulder at me with wide eyes before gaining his composure.

"Go get another one, this ones mine." He barks at me.

"Like fuck she is." I growl, reaching my hands forward and gripping Ava's waist. I yank her away from him and push her behind me.

"Shit man, you can have the stupid bitch!" The man throws his hands up in the air, but he's to slow.

My right hand hits his jaw at the perfect angle, making him stumble back as he grabs his chin.

I smirk at him, daring him to retaliate. I would love a reason to hit him again. He deserves it, thinking he can touch her.

He curses at me and disappears into the crowd.

I quickly turn around, my eyes locking with hers the second I do so.

I look her over, searching for any sign he hurt her. My eyes linger on her body, images of her laying naked underneath me flood my mind. That dress looks amazing on her, but I know from experience it would look even better pooled at her feet.

My eyes snap back up to hers when she opens her mouth, only to close it again quickly.

"You alright?" I breath out, surprised I can focus enough to form a coherent sentence.

She nods but doesn't respond. Shit. I bet she saw me checking her out.

I look around, silently begging my brain to not let my heart speak for itself.

But I can't trust myself, not around her.

"I should probably go." I say quietly.

She nods again and my heart stings a little. I would give anything for her to ask me to stay.

I turn to walk away, making it about five steps before I hear my name called.


I look back at her and she visibly gulps.

"Thank you."

I open my mouth but immediately catch myself, biting my lip so I don't speak. I can't tell her what I want to. I can't.

"You're welcome." I say before quickly turning and walking away.

I push through the crowd, heading for the door.

I need to get out of here before I do something I'll regret.


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