Chapter 95: "That's that."

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-Ava's POV-

"Absolutely not."


"I'm confused why you would think this is up for discussion... Mate." Harry narrows his eyes as he looks across the desk.

"Just a few weeks at least. Let things calm down a bit, then she can join you." Kevin sits back in his chair, obviously annoyed at the current situation.


"Harry we have to go about this delicately. You know how the fans are."

"Ava isn't going anywhere... Time they got used to the idea I think. Done lying about it."

"This doesn't just affect you Harry. Maybe you should think about the rest of the lads for a second." Kevin folds his arms, resorting to the one tactic that always works on Harry.

"I always think about them. You know that. And I've already talked to them about it. She's leaving with us tomorrow."

"Maybe we should ask Ava how she would like to handle this?" Kevin looks over to me for the first time since we sat down in front of his desk.

"This why you wanted her here?" Harry's hand tenses in mine.

"She cares about you. Think she deserves to know how she is affecting your career."

"That's bullshit. We're done here." Harry stands up, pulling me up with him. "Good talk Kevin."

"Sales are already down since yesterday. There's to much negative press. These are facts Harry, not my opinion." Kevin calls after us as we walk out of the office.

I let Harry lead me down the hallway and out of the building without saying a word. He opens the passenger door of his car for me before sliding into the drivers' seat.

His knuckles are white as he grips the steering wheel. His breathing deep and even.


"Don't." He glances at me before starting the car and pulling out onto the road.

"We need to talk about what he said."

"It's a load of shite."

"Is it?"

"We aren't having this discussion Av."

"So I'm supposed to just pretend that I didn't hear what he said?"

"Preferably." He avoids my gaze as he focuses on the road.

"That won't solve anything."

"There's nothing to solve love."

I bite my tongue as we pull into the studio, not wanting to get into a fight when Harry's already late for rehearsal.

He parks the car, once again opening my door for me as he always does. Several fans stand outside the fence yelling his name but he just gives them a friendly smile and a wave as he takes my hand.

I can hear the boys laughing as we make our way down the hallway. The sound of something crashing onto the floor as Louie's name is yelled.

I hesitate before Harry tugs me through the door, pulling on his arm to get him to stop.

"I think I'm just going to go home."

His face falls as he looks back at me, instantly making me feel bad. But I can't just ignore this. Harry may be able to but I have to know exactly what kind of impact this is going to have. I am going to have.

"Don't do this love." Harry bends down so he's eye level with me. "We knew it was gonna be like this yeah?"

"Yeah... But..."

"But nothing. Just happening a bit earlier is all. Only thing this changes is you get to put that ring on your finger... Where it belongs."

He puts his hands around my neck, unclasping the silver chain. Pulling the ring from it, he sticks the chain in his pocket before grabbing my left hand. Sliding it onto my finger, a smile takes over his face.

"I quite fancy it being out in the open. Needed to breath a bit. Do its job... Show the world we're both spoken for." He cups my cheek as I look down at the ring.

"Harry, there's a lot of people in that room." My eyes flick to the door next to us, "I walk in there like this and there's no denying that picture. In five minutes there will be a dozen more, only with it on my finger."

"True..." He pulls his bottom lip between his fingers. "Guess there's only one thing to be done then."

He quickly pulls his phone out of his back pocket and snaps a pic of my hand before tying away.

He grins as he shoves his phone back into his pocket. "That's that."

I furrow my eyebrows at him in confusion as I hear my phone ding. I dig for it in my bag, finally pulling it out as a contented smirk rests on Harry's face.

Glancing down at the screen, I realize what he did.

1 New Twitter Notification
@HarryStyles took a picture of you

I quickly unlock my phone, pulling up the notification. I'm immediately brought to Harry's Twitter page. His most recent tweet that already has thousands of responses.

A picture of my hand. Engagement ring sparkling as it's wrapped around my finger.

@HarryStyles: Wise lady once said.. If you like it, put a ring on it. @AvaMcCain

"Wow, quoting Beyoncé hmmm? Must be serious business." I joke, shaking my head at him.

"Deadly serious." He smirks, pulling me towards him. "Now come watch me sing and tell me how brilliant we are."

I sigh as I find my eyes once again looking down at my ring. He's taking this so light heartedly while I'm a bundle of nerves. So worried about the impact this is going to have.

"Stop overthinking this Av." He gently grabs my chin, tilting it up so he can look in my eyes. "It will be fine... The lads and I will be fine. And you and me? We'll be together. Everyday. Couldn't ask for anything better I reckon."

"Well Kevin could fall off the face of the earth..."

Harry chuckles, "Leave him to me. You worry about your bit. Quite a lot, isn't it?"

"My bit?"

"Yeah. Picking out a proper dress. Flowers. The lot of it." He leans down, pecking my lips.

"I think there's plenty of time for all that."

"Maybe so.... Maybe not." He shrugs, his eyes looking more then a little mischievous.

"What are you thinking Styles?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I'm think... I finish the first set then you meet me in the loo. Words out... Need to have a celebration of sorts."

I open my mouth to protest, but I'm cut off by Harry giving me a firm kiss, his arms wrapping tightly around my waist.

Making me forget about everything else. The rumors. The gossip. The backlash.

All of it... Except how I feel when Harry's lips are molding against my own.

Simply happy.

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