Chapter 57: Negotiations

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-Harry's POV-

Anxious fingernails tap the tabletop, fueling my irritation as the moments tick by.

"Thought he said ten."

Ben's fingernails stop their constant assault on the veneer finish of the large conference table as he looks over at me. "He's dealing with a bit of backlash from your little stunt. He'll be here soon."

"It's twenty to eleven." I point out.

"He'll be here soon." He repeats himself.

I start to respond to his annoyed tone, but a small hand grips mine, squeezing tightly. I look over at Ava, a forced smile on her beautiful face as she shakes her head.

I nod at her, her presence alone calming my nerves a bit. I still don't like the idea of her being here for this. I know it's not going to end well, but we're in this together, and she deserves to know what I'm up against. What we're up against.

The door startles me when it abruptly swings open, Kevin finally deciding to grace us with his presence.

"So this is HER." He nods towards Ava, not giving either of us so much as a hello.

"This is Ava." I correct him, "And you're late."

"Business to attend to. Thanks to her." Kevin takes a seat next to Ben, across from Ava and I.

"Her name is Ava."

"Is it?" He looks at me smugly, dropping a folder down on the table in front of me. "Or is it Kelsey?"

"Do you even know who you're supposedly engaged to?" Ben asks.

"Of course I bloody know. I know exactly who she is." I spit back.

"I highly doubt it." Kevin scoffs. "You need to see this file."

"Why? So it will tell me her name used to be Kesley Worthington? That she now goes by her middle name and her grandmothers maiden name? That she's been married before?" I feel my jaw tense as I try to remain calm, "Neither you nor that bloody file is going to tell me anything I don't already know."

Kevin and Ben exchange surprised glances, obviously expecting I wouldn't be aware of anything they 'dug' up on Ava.

"Alright fine..." Kevin clears his throat, "But it's only a matter of time before the fans dig this up as well. Her past, having an ex husband? Do you have any idea how they will react to this?"

"Everyone has a past. So she's been married before, she's a twenty seven year old woman.."

"Don't even get us started on that!" Ben cuts me off, "We really thought you were over this phase Harry."

"Sod off Ben. Doesn't matter what the fuck her age is. Don't pick at meaningless shit."

"Nothing is meaningless, not when it comes to you." Ben retorts.
"What are you thinking Harry?" Kevin asks, "You've been dating her for three weeks. This isn't like you."

"I'm thinking I'm in love. We've dated before, you know that as well as anyone. And you know what? No, this isn't like me. Cause I'm actually doing something for once that makes me happy and not letting you two control my personal life."

"Obviously we need to." Ben shakes his head at me. "This is unacceptable Harry."

"You don't decide that."

"I'm afraid we do." Kevin speaks up. "You're under contract."

"Unless I'm wrong, nothing I signed said you control who I date."

"Don't be a fool Harry! This doesn't just affect you. The whole band suffers from your poor choices."

"The lads know about this! And they support it."

"Bullshit!" Ben laughs at me.

I slam my free hand down on the table, moving to stand up till Ava tugs on my arm.

"Can I say something please?" Her voice is quiet but determined.

I'd almost forgotten she was sitting next to me, she's been completely silent until now.

We all turn our attention to her, Ben glaring at her with distaste. It takes everything in me not to reach across the table and pop the wanker right in the nose.

"Yelling isn't going to get us anywhere." She says carefully, "Obviously none of us are going to get exactly what we want. We are not going to break up and we already know we can't go public with this so quickly."

Her eyes find mine and I nod. We'd already went over our game plan when it came to this meeting. I'd gotten a bit sidetracked, letting my anger outweigh my reasonableness. But I won't let them say shit about her. I won't let anyone do that. But she's right. Fighting won't help. We need to negotiate or they'll never let up.

"So with that in mind, just tell us what you want."

Kevin looks her over, seeming to be impressed by her reasoning on the situation. "Alright. No engagement announcement or talk. No wearing your ring in public."

"How long?" I question.

"A year."

"No." I answer quickly. "You're already lucky we're willing to even consider this."

"Nine months." Ben counter offers.

"Six months and she's moving in with me. This week."

"Six months. She can move in but you don't announce it for a month."

I look over at Ava and she nods. I frown at her, hating it has to be this way. She understands but it doesn't make me feel any better. We are both realistic enough to know something like this could affect the band. No matter how fucked up that idea is, it's true. The fans are what make us, and their support means everything.

It's amazing how understanding Ava is about everything. She deserves so much more. But she just wants me, and she knows being with me comes with many challenges. Management being the largest and by far the most aggravating.

"Six months on the engagement. One month on moving in." I nod, "But that's it. No longer. And the rest is up to us. Where we go in public, what we do, the lot of it."

"Agreed." Kevin stands up offering his hand out to me.

I follow suit, getting up and shaking it. He surprises me by then offering it to Ava, who shakes it immediately.

"Circumstances aside, you seem like an intelligent woman. I'm pleased you're willing to work with us and safeguard Harry's reputation."

"I understand the situation. I hope you'll be supportive of us in the future." She replies.

"As long as it doesn't affect the band, I hope you two remain very happy with one another." He nods at her, his voice actually sounding sincere.

With that we're left alone in the conference room. I breathe a sigh of relief as I wrap my arms around Ava's shoulders.

"Welcome to being my fiancé." I chuckle. "Proper good time, isn't it?"

"A proper good time would be egging their houses."

"Wow, you've been spending far to much time with Louie." I laugh. "But I would have to agree."

I grab her hand as I lead the way out of the building and towards the car park.

I know this is just the first of many hurdles we are going to have to overcome to be together. But I know we'll make it through all of them.

I don't doubt it for a second.
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