Chapter 3: A Coffee Date

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-Ava's POV-

The days fly by and Friday morning arrives faster than I want it to. I now have a half hour before I need to meet Liam at the coffee house and I'm nervous as hell.

I straighten out my hair and apply as little makeup as possible. I don't want to look like I'm trying to hard, or at all really. I'm still very unsure about all of this.

I pull some of the very few remaining clean clothes out of my closet, them being a white tee with little black elephants on it, some distressed jean shorts, and a tan short sleeve cardigan. Not wonderful, but its as good as its going to get being I've been to busy to bother with laundry for the past three weeks.

I really need to take a day off but I can't. If I don't keep myself going then I have time to think. And what I think about hurts my heart. Even after all this time, it still hurts.

"And you wanted to tell me what to wear on my date?"

I turn away from the mirror as I slip on some sandals, finding Finn leaning against the doorframe.

"Very funny Finn. I look fine. It's just coffee."

"Just at least try to make a proper go of it. Don't just write him off cause he isn't...." His voice fades off.

"Don't." I warn, turning to grab my bag and sunglasses before pushing past Finn.

"I'm sorry Ava." He apologizes, following me down the hallway. "I just want to see you happy."

"I know you do. But I really am fine." I stop in the kitchen grabbing my keys and looking at him.

"I know. You're doing brilliantly, but you're lonely, I can tell. So just give him a real chance okay?"

"Okay." I answer, not knowing if I even believe myself.

"Good!" He gives me a quick squeeze and pushes me towards the door. "Now go or you'll be late. And don't forget to stay away tonight."

"I remember!" I call over my shoulder as I head for the garage.

I have to give him props. Finn doesn't date a lot but when he does he puts his full heart into it. This Jules girl better treat him well, she's very lucky to have him.

As I pull up to the coffee shop my nerves take over even more. I run my hands through my hair as I walk inside, spotting Liam sitting at a corner table.

When he spots me a smile overtakes his face and he stands up as I walk towards him. I can't help but return his smile as he gives me a quick hug hello.

"Can I order you something?" He asks as he pulls out my chair for me.

"Yes, thanks. I'll have a Venti Americano." I answer as I sit down.

He nods and goes up to counter to get my coffee. I take the opportunity to look him over, and I'm not disappointed. Liam is cute, to say the least. Very cute. He's wearing jeans and a black tee with a tan button up shirt over it.

He glances over at me and catches me checking him out. He chuckles and turns back to grab my drink as I want to die of embarrassment.

"One Venti Americano." He smiles at me and hands me my drink before sitting down across from me.

"Thanks." I blush, "So how has work been?"

"Great. We'll hopefully be wrapping up in just a few more weeks."

"Oh good. I know Finn has been working like a crazy person editing so I can only imagine how busy you have been with it."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to some time off. But I'm sure you know the feeling with how busy your schedule always is." He raises his eyebrows at me, making me think Finn has told him everything I have going on right now. Which is a lot.

"I like to keep myself occupied." I shrug, "I'm a little more busy than usual lately. I've started doing some song writing again."

"That awesome Ava. I've heard some of what you written before and it really is amazing."


"So how did you get involved in charity work?"

I go on to tell him about my grandmother and how I'm trying to follow in her footsteps. I'm surprised to hear he's involved in quite a few charities of his own, both him and his brother have traveled to Africa and have done some hands on volunteer work. Something I would love to do myself some day.

Three drinks and a strong caffeine buzz later he's told me about his family and how he got into acting and I've given him the short version of how I came to be in L.A. The very short version.

We've laughed a lot and I can't deny I'm having a good time with him. I don't even realize we've been sitting talking for almost two hours until my phone dings with a message from Jenna asking where I am.

"Need to go?" He asks as I check my phone.

"Yeah, I hadn't realized what time it was. I have a meeting in ten minutes. I'm sorry."

"No problem. Come on, I'll walk you to your car." He gets up and pulls my chair out for me before dropping a tip on the table.

Once we are outside, I smile at him in thank you as he opens my car door for me, "Thanks for meeting me Ava. I had a really good time."

"Me too." I agree, fiddling with my keys.

I look up to see him biting his lip in nervousness. "Maybe we could do this again sometime. Like at night maybe..."

"Okay." I nod at him, causing a smile to break out on his face.

"Great. Well I'll give you a call then."

I nod again and he leans down, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. His smell overwhelms me as he does so. He smells good, really good.

"Bye Ava." He smiles at me and jogs across the street to his car.

I jump into my own, hurrying to the office for my meeting.

I smile to myself as I drive, thinking about seeing him again.

Right as I turn into the office, my happy thoughts are washed away by an all to familiar song being sung by an all to familiar voice on the radio.

And I can't help but wonder if I'll ever share the same amount of passion with anyone else.

I guess there's only one way to find out.

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