Chapter 4: Date #5

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-Ava's POV-

It's been almost three weeks since I went for coffee with Liam.

Everything is going really well between us and Finn couldn't be more thrilled. We've went out four times now, today will be the fifth.

I know it will be as equally as fun as the others but I know there's something missing.

Liam's not the one I wake up thinking of every morning.

I cant help it. I wonder if he's happy or if he thinks of me as much as I do him. I know I shouldn't, not after all this time, but I do.

So many things remind me of him and things we did together. I'm scared it will always be this way, but I'm also afraid of losing this small shred of what I've held onto.

I've seen him on tv a few times, small interviews about the release of their new album or their current tour ending. I feel pathetic that I can't tear my eyes away from the screen when he's on tv. He seems just fine while I'm basically just haunted by these memories of him.

But I still don't regret walking away from him that day. I'm stronger now with everything I've been through, having to do it all alone. I've been able to prove to myself everything I wanted to.

"Liam's here!" Finn's voice carries up the staircase, causing me to hurriedly pull on my shoes and jog down the staircase.

I'm met with Liam's sweet smile standing at the bottom of the stairs.


"Yeah, just let me grab my bag." I answer, picking up a few of my things from the entryway table.

"Have fun you two." Finn smiles at us as we walk outside.

Liam opens his passenger door for me as always and I slide in as he jogs around and gets behind the wheel.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask as we pull out of the driveway. Liam has this thing where he likes to surprise me each date we have.

"I thought we could drive to the coast and walk along the beach. Maybe eat at one of the pubs on the board walk." He glances over at me and I smile and nod in approval.

"Sounds great." I reply, glad that he's still keeping things very casual between us.

We never seem to run out of things to talk about and it's a pleasant surprise to learn we have more and more things in common.

After dinner we find a empty spot on the beach where Liam laid down a blanket for us to sit on. We sit next to each other as we watch the sun go down, casting breathtaking colors across the skyline.

I feel Liam's hand brush my mine and I instinctively pull away. I immediately feel badly when I hear him sigh.

He doesn't say much the rest of the night until we pull into my driveway and he turns to me.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I answer, hoping this isn't going where I think it is.

"You're not over him yet are you?"

I look away from him, not being able to hold his gaze.

"Ava, it's okay if you're not. I understand. It took me a really really long time to get over someone myself."

"I really want to be."

"Do you? I'm not so sure."

I shrug, not really knowing how to truthfully answer that. "I really am trying to let go. My heart just won't agree with my head. I'm still so confused about it all. I'm sorry."

"Me too. I really like you Ava. When you have let go, give me a call okay?"

I nod, "You really are one of the sweetest guys Liam. Maybe we could try just being friends?"

"Yeah, I would like that."

"Thanks for tonight." I say at I open the car door and get out.

"No problem. I'll see you soon."

I smile and wave as he pulls away, and I wonder if I really gave this the effort I should have.

That's the problem though, you shouldn't have to put forth effort to have feelings for someone. They're just there, something beyond your control that only deepens as you get to know the person more and more.

I feel more confident of my decision as I get into bed for the night and switch on the tv.

I flip through the channels, stopping on celebrity news. Of course not five minutes go by before he's on the screen, being seen with some new 'girlfriend'. I brush it off as the rubbish it usually is till they show a picture of them holding hands and out together numerous times.

I quickly flip off the tv, feeling a sharp pang in my heart.

I slide down into the covers, reminding myself as I drift off to sleep that I'm over him.

He's moved on.

Now if I could only do the same.

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