Chapter 16: The After Party 'of the Century'

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-Ava's POV-

"Hurry up Ava! We need to push on before the fans start blocking the exits!" I hear Perrie's voice call from the other side of the door.

"Calm down I'm ready!" I smile at the girls as I leave the bathroom that's attached to the boys dressing room, excited we are all back together again. It's been awhile.

The boys last song for the night is about over, and though we all hated missing it, we were never going to get out of here if we didn't get changed and leave now.

"You look fit!" Lou grins at me, taking in my outfit for the after party.

"Proper fit!" Gemma agrees as Eleanor and Perrie nod.

"Thanks! You girls look great too!" I look from one to the next, taking note we are all dressed fairly similar for the 'after party of the century' as Louie called it.

This wasn't just any after party. It was an after party organized by Louis Tomlinson.

Which meant it wasn't going to be at a club like all the others always are. The boy actually rented a mansion that had an olympic size swimming pool and multiple game rooms. The place even had a bowling alley in it.

He said he missed out on the whole university experience so he wanted a typical frat/pool party.

He was so excited about it that I couldn't bring myself to tell him that 'typical' college parties are filled with cheap disgusting beer and bad music at a smelly frat house, not Dom Pérignon and celebrity entertainment at a multi million dollar mansion.

I quickly check myself in the mirror, still unsure of my outfit. Gemma goaded me into wearing the same as the rest of them, a swimsuit with a coverup in case I wanted to get in the pool. Yeah right!!

I chose a black string bikini (that I plan on no one seeing) and a short white linen coverup dress over it. It looked very boho so I added jewelry to compliment that vibe and kept my hair in beachy waves.

"You look great, now let's go!" El grabs my arm and pulls me towards the door, leading us all towards our car.

Traffic was a mess, fans coming from the concert filling the streets.

"I hope the boys make it out okay." I say, looking out the window at the horde of fans singing outside the venue.

"They are going to be leaving in a pizza delivery van." Lou states.

I look over at her and laugh, "Say what?!"

"Louie's idea of course. The fans wouldn't expect it so they'd be more likely to let them through." El replies as if it's the most sane thing she's ever heard. Her and Louie really are meant for each other.

"Well that's just about ridiculous enough to actually work."

"That's what I said!" Perrie laughs along with me as the car slowly makes its way out of the crowd.

It doesn't take long to arrive at the party location, and our car is quickly let through the gates when we state our names.

My mouth falls open at the amount of cars already filling the driveway and most of the yard.

"How many people did he invite?!" I ask as we find a spot to park in and get out.

"About 100 to many looks like." Gemma chuckles as we reach the door, the beat of the music playing inside already being felt in our chests.

The second we step inside I feel like I've went back in time about seven years. The place is packed and people are everywhere, their hands all gripping red solo cups. Multiple couples are making out in random places and beer pong is in full swing.

Perrie heads to the kitchen to grab us all drinks as the rest of us walk through the house and out onto the back patio.

My mouth falls open when I see a stage set up behind the pool and 5sos playing one of their new songs with a couple of the guys from One Republic joining in. There's just as many people outside, some hanging out on lawn chairs, some dancing in front of the stage, and some playing volleyball in the pool.

"I think Louie needs to go to an actual frat party to really appreciate this." I look over at Lou who nods vigorously.

"The lad went above and beyond that's for sure!" She says, taking in our surroundings.

"Oh god! Have you guys seen Louie?!" Perrie yells at us as she hands us all a cup.

We all shake our heads no right before we catch site of him walking out of the house. We all bust out laughing when we see him, decked out in a toga, dancing like a fool.

"No!" Gemma laughs as she tries to shield her eyes.

"Humor the lad." Zayn says, suddenly appearing next to us and wrapping his arm around Perrie. "He already had a proper fit when the rest of us made fun of him for it."

"I think he looks cute!" El announces. We all roll our eyes as she heads towards him. Love really is blind apparently.

"He looks like a twelve year old at Halloween!" Gemma chuckles and I couldn't agree more.

We see several over guys also wearing a toga pass by us, chanting 'toga, toga' as they make their way to Louie. At least he isn't alone in his ridiculousness.

Zayn, Perrie, and Lou head back inside to bowl, leaving Gemma and I outside alone. We manage to find a couple empty deck chairs around a small patio table and we plop down, claiming them as our own.

I feel a little bit of an awkward tension between us so I avoid her gaze and focus on Luke singing onstage. I really don't know how she felt about what happened between Harry and I.

"I missed you." She speaks up, making me feel a bit relieved. At least I know she doesn't hate me now.

I look over at her, finding a genuine smile on her face. "I missed you too. So what have you been up to for the past year?"

"Same old, same old." She shrugs, "Uni mostly. Thankfully I only have one semester left."

"Wow, I bet you're looking forward to that!" I smile, remembering how I couldn't wait to get out of college and actually start my life.

"Yes! I feel like I've been there forever! So how have you been?" She asks, leaning forward and placing her elbows on the table.

She looks into my eyes and I know exactly what she's doing. Trying to read them just like Harry does.

"Good. I've been really busy with work and all." I answer, looking away from her and back towards the stage.

"You know I don't blame you..."

I bite my lip when I hear her words. Couldn't she of just left the topic of me and Harry alone?

"I would of done the same thing." She goes on.

I turn to look at her and give her a halfhearted smile. "I really appreciate you being so understanding about it all, but I don't really want to talk about what happened."

She looks down at her drink sitting on the table, obviously contemplating something.

After a few moments of silence she finally looks back up at me with worried eyes.

"Well that's the thing Ava. You see, nothing actually happened that night..."


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