Chapter 15: Breakfast, Paps, and Text Messages

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-Ava's POV-

I wake up, still feeling worn out from yesterday's work.

My Saturday was spent going over catering options, music, and everything else 'necessary' to have a charity event. Necessary in Margaret's eyes anyway. I exhausted myself fighting her tooth and nail over every small detail. Her wanting it all to upstage last year, me wanting it as simple as possible, so more money could be donated to the actually charity the event is for.

I won on most points, the main one of course being holding the event in my own home. Lord knows it's large enough to accommodate such an event.

All in all, I was able to save about $42,000 that could be given directly to the charity. I know much more will be donated by those who attend, but I'm still proud of the fact I've already been able to make a small difference.

My phone beeps and I roll over, grabbing it off the side table next to my bed.

1 New Text Message



To Niall: Sure. What do you have in mind?

~Blu Jam. Ever been there?

To Niall: Yeah. Their French toast is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G

~Wicked!! I'll meet you there in 45.

To Niall: K

I lock my phone and drag myself to the bathroom, rubbing my eyes to try to wake up completely.

After following my normal morning routine, I throw on a simple casual outfit; frayed jean shorts and a multi colored tank. I tuck my shirt in the front of my shorts and throw on some bangle bracelets and a long necklace.

Jogging down the stairs, I slip in some sandals and grab my bag before heading to the garage.

Twenty minutes later I'm pulling up to the Blu Jam Cafe, one of the most popular breakfast spots in Melrose.

I spot Niall inside and smile at him as he gets up to hug me hello.

"I'm starving!!" He announces as we sit down, my stomach grumbling in agreement.

We quickly order, and I give a little sigh as my cappuccino is set in front of me and I take a small sip. So delicious.

We catch up as we wait for our food, me telling him about what's going on with my work and him filling me in on all the craziness of this years tour.

As we laugh about all the shenanigans the boys have gotten themselves into, I can't help but wish I had been there with them. Being on the road was hard, but the boys made it a blast and I miss it.

The waitress arrives with our food and we both dig in like we haven't eaten for weeks. I'm sure Niall probably already ate today but I skipped dinner last night and this food couldn't taste better.

"So what's up with you and Harry?" Niall asks with a mouth full of food. Typical Niall.

"Nothing really." I shrug, "We are just going to try being friends."

"Okay!" He laughs, making me frown at him.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I question, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Nothing!" He quickly says, looking down at his food like he's guilty of something.

"What are you hiding?"

"What? Me? I'm not hiding anything!" He responds, his eyes widening like they always do when he's lying.

"Has Harry said something?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him. He always cracks under pressure.

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