Chapter 54: A Battle of Wills

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-Ava's POV-

"Where are you taking me now?" I ask when Harry leads us back towards the restaurant.

"It's a surprise." His hand grips mine, his finger running over the ring that now adorns my own.

"I don't know if I can take any more life changing surprises tonight."

"Life changing, no." He chuckles, "Mind blowing, yes."

He smirks, his eyes staying trained ahead of us. I tear my eyes away from his face, feeling slightly proud of myself for being able to with how hot he looks tonight.

I can't help but glance continuously down at my hand, the light from the street lamps catching the large diamond and making it sparkle.

I look ahead, pushing the hair off my face as the wind picks up. I spot Harry's car now sitting in front of the restaurant, and raise an eyebrow at him as he just smiles at me.

"How did your car get here?"

"What? My car's here?" He jokes, giving me a wink. "My family may have known my plan for this evening."

"Really?" I ask, feeling some anxiety wash over me.

"Yes. And stop worrying love." Harry looks into my eyes as he opens the passenger door, reading them easily as usual. "They were a bit surprised, but they loved the idea."

He closes the door for me and jogs around the car, climbing in behind the wheel.

"Really?" I question once he's pulled out onto the road. "They didn't think it was to soon?"

He takes my hand, resting it on his knee, "Av, they know I've been in love with you for ages. They see how happy you make me."


"Yessssss." He chuckles, kissing the back of my hand. "Now stop saying really and tell me how much you fancy me."

"I REALLY fancy you a lot. I mean... I REALLY do. A lot. REALLY."

"Very funny."

"Well one of us has to be." I tease.

"Is that so?" Harry smirks at me, "Why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella?"

I raise my eyebrows at him, waiting for the punchline of what I'm sure is a typical cheesy Harry joke.

"Fo' drizzle." He laughs at himself as he turns down a gravel road.

"I think you just proved my point." I roll my eyes at him and try not to laugh.

"Come onnnnn. That was a good joke."

I can't help but laugh at his pitiful pouty face as we pull to a stop.

Even though it's dark, I can see there's lights on inside the small cabin Harry has brought me to. Its beautiful, nestled all by itself out in the middle of the woods.

"And here I thought you were just taking me to a hotel." I chuckle as I get out. I should of known Harry had a bit more planned then that.

"A hotel? Now what kind of a proper fiancee would I be if I just took you to a hotel?" He smiles and shakes his head at the thought as he pulls our bags out of the trunk.

I feel my cheeks flush from his words. I don't know if I'll ever get used to being Harry's fiancee. It sounds so strange. Right, but strange.

I lead the way up to the cabin, punching in the code on the door keypad as Harry recites the numbers off to me.

I smile as I step inside, instantly loving how warm and comfortable it is. Harry drops our bags in the corner of the bedroom as I take a look around.

There's a small fire already burning in the fireplace, casting a soft glow throughout the small living room area. Through two double sliding doors is the bedroom, the king size bed decorated in the same neutral color scheme as the rest of the cabin.

I glance into the kitchen, seeing Harry pouring some white wine into two glasses. He has such a beautiful smile on his face as he completes his task, biting his lip as he makes sure to not overfill each glass.

A wave of nervousness washes over me and I quickly sit down on the couch in the living area. Why am I so nervous? It's just Harry. My Harry.

My fiancee.

I play with the ring on my finger, still not believing what happened tonight. Am I really ready to be married again?

I think back to when Scott proposed to me. I thought it was so romantic at the time, but in all honesty, we were both a bit drunk.

It was just two weeks after high school graduation. We were at a college frat party, upstairs in the room of one of Scott's friends. There was no ring, there was no getting down on one knee.
There was just me, a naive eighteen year old girl who somehow thought what she had was true love, and Scott, proposing as he came down from his high right after we had sex.

Wow, I was stupid. I didn't even know what love was back then. The most experience I'd had with the concept was the time I spent with my grandmother, which became less frequent the older I got. My mother didn't approve of the thoughts my grandmother put in my head, and my father was angry at her over money so he was more than happy to keep me away from her as some sort of sick punishment.

But now... I know exactly what love is.

It's the way Harry looks at me. It's the way he can make me laugh when my whole world is falling apart. It's the way he holds me when I cry. It's the way he accepts me, even with all my flaws and past and horrilbe family. It's the way he can read my every thought just by glancing into my eyes. And it's the way only he can make me feel. Truely happy and completely safe.

All that proves to me I am ready for this. We are ready for this. No matter what anyone says or thinks, we know what we have in eachother.

"Wine?" A glass is held in front of me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, please." I take the glass as Harry takes a seat next to me.

"It cost less then ten quid, so you're sure to love it." Harry chuckles. He's always made fun of my love for cheap wine. Expensive wine is so lost on me. Give me a good $6 bottle, and I'm happy for the rest of the evening.

"Delicious!" I lick my lips after taking a sip.

Harry's eyes follow my movements, his smirk making my body heat up. He pushes his hair off his face and I nearly faint from the site. I spend a lot of time with him, yet I've still haven't been able to become immune to how hot he really is.

"You alright?"

"Me? Yeah fine. Great actually. Perfect." I ramble off, my nervousness making an embarrassing appearance.

He smiles at me, his dimples popping and making me shift in my seat. Stop being so ridiculous Ava!

The silence between us is palatable, the fact we are alone for the first time in days making us both a bit anxious. My desire to just rip his clothes off is only slightly outweighed by the fact I'm almost certain I would fall off the couch and make a fool of myself in the process.

I take another gulp of my wine before setting my glass down on the table next to the couch. Harry downs his, handing me his glass to place next to mine.

His eyes travel up and down my body before landing back on my face, glancing between my eyes and lips. I'm fairy sure we are both about ready to com-bust from the sexual tension that fills the air between us, yet neither of us make a move.

The standoff between us has become a silent battle of wills, Harry smirking at me as he looks over my face. I know I look like I'm about ready to pounce on him any second, and he's loving it. However the fact his eyes have darkened and continuously glance at my mouth as he bites his bottom lip prove he wants me just as much. And I'm loving that.

Someone as beautiful as him, inside and out, wanting me... It nearly sets my skin on fire.

"Fuck it." Harry's low and raspy voice is barely heard before he shoves me back onto the couch, leaning over me and crashing his lips against mine.

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