Chapter 67: Two Steps Back

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-Harry's POV-

I stick my head back in the cab, handing the driver a roll of euros, "Merci."

"Soyez le beinvenu."

I nod, closing the door and looking across the road. My feet crunch on the cobbled walkway as I make my way up to the front door. A twenty three hour flight and a two hour cab drive and I still don't know what I'm going to say to her.

It took six phone calls and getting into a proper scrap with Poppy to find out Ava had went to her villa in the South of France. Had it been any other woman, and any other relationship, a fella would think that meant he needed to leave her be. But Ava wasn't just any woman, and this wasn't just any relationship. Her heading halfway across the globe meant one thing, that I had no choice but to follow her.

I pictured her as I booked my flight, sitting alone in her villa thinking about what I'd done. I thought of her as I packed my bag, wrapped up in a blanket in front of the fireplace, reading a book to keep her mind off of me. I dreamed of her when I slept on the plane, laying in bed alone when I should be holding her.

She was there, once again waiting for me. And this time I wouldn't disappoint.

I knocked twice on the large wooden door, adjusting the bag on my shoulder as I took a deep breath. On the third knock, the door swung open and my heart nearly shattered in my chest.

"Puis-je vous aider?"

I gulped, fumbling over my words and trying to remember the small bit of french I knew as the tall young man stood in the doorway, shirt off and tattooed chest showing. I had no idea what he just asked me, I think it may have been something about what I was here for. All I could focus on was the fact there was a man, half naked, standing in Ava's doorway.

"Uh, Ava.. est ici?"

The man looked me up and down, shaking his head.

"Ava McCain, elle est ici?"

He shook his head once again, his eyes narrowing as he looked past me. His eyes suddenly widened as he snapped his fingers, "Mademoiselle Worthington!"

I nod, "Oui."

He takes a step towards me, stepping out of the doorway as his hand lands on my shoulder. He points down the road and I follow the line of his finger to the house down the lane.

"Mademoiselle Worthington." He repeats.

I can't help myself as I grab him into a hug, patting him on the back. I've never been so relieved in my life. I had the wrong bloody house.


He laughs at me as he bids me farewell, my feet quickly carrying me back down his path and towards Ava's villa.

The two story stone villa is smaller than what I expected for Ava's grandmother to have owned. After seeing her house in L.A., I would of never thought she'd own anything less than ten thousand square feet. This house, it looks something like Av would live in. Something unique and hidden away from the world.

For the second time today, I find myself knocking on an unfamiliar door, hoping the woman I love answers it.

I hear a noise inside.. Footsteps nearing the doorway as I run my hand through my hair anxiously.

The door swings open, Ava's eyes meeting mine as I stare down at her.

Her long hair is in natural waves, falling over her small shoulders. Her simple white cotton dress moves in the breeze as her hand rests on the door.

My eyes gaze over her face, taking in her large brown eyes and soft pink lips. I have never nor will ever see anything near as beautiful. I've no doubt of it.

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