Moonlight | 6

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Once again, I woke up to an empty bed beside me. As usual, the blankets were neat and flat; the pillow was positioned in the centre, equal symmetry in both sides. I jolted myself up, rubbing my eyes slowly before inspecting the room. Involuntarily, I let out a disappointed exhale.

It had been a week since the accident. Father wanted both of us to rest and stay inside, but Hoseok had other ideas. Throughout the week, he attempted to re-build the boat, retrieving all the tools from the boathouse and, luckily for him, Father allowed him to use the spare wood stowed in the basement. During winter, we spared the wood for the fireplace. Fortunately, it wasn't winter.

However, we didn't talk much as before. The maximum was probably a greeting during mealtimes or a "goodnight". I didn't blame him though, he was occupied in constructing his new boat.

For the second time, I huffed sharply. My eyes roved around the room, halting when they reached one of the windows. Thoughtlessly, I ambled towards it, despite the intolerable soreness I felt in my legs.

My hand rested on my chin as I began to gaze. Everything was clear; the passably grey sky, the few clouds here and there, and the sun peeping through them. Fortunately, it wasn't as disagreeable as last week. I solely felt its warmth toasting my hand as time passed.

I squinted my eyes, scavenging for Hoseok.

There he was.

Under his arm was a substantial log of wood, a toolbox firmly gripped in the opposite hand. Carefully, he stationed both of them onto the sand before obtaining his phone from his back pocket. I chuckled at the wide beam carving into his cheeks. Presumably, he must've been taking a photo as I glimpsed his thumb tapping the screen. When he was done, he attentively studied it for a moment; a more natural and sincere grin curled onto his face right after. I blithely chortled at how bubbly he looked.

"Why do you have to be so cute?" The hand on my chin tightened.

Then his eyes wandered towards me...


As quickly as possible, I ducked down, hoping he never noticed me. After a while, I barely poked my head out, my eyes only in view from the outside.


Hoseok was still there, all of his attention on me.

He stayed in the same spot, staring in an unreadable way. Absently, I lifted myself up before waving my hand in a slow and timid manner. My face flushed in awkwardness as his head tilted to the side, probably questioning why I was watching him. After a few moments, he reciprocated it, waving back more amiably.

"Bye." I mouthed, releasing a weak toothy smile.

Hurriedly, I darted towards my bed, flumping hard onto the covers. Snatching the nearest pillow, I rammed it into my face, internally screaming at myself for staring.

"Ugh, why did I do that?!" My mouth was starting to chap, because of the extortionate fabric.

Breathing heavily, I lolled down onto the smooth, soft surface of my bed.

"I should rest here for a while, in order to relieve my embarrassment." I muttered to myself, hugging onto my pillow firmly.

For the rest of the day, I didn't see Hoseok. I wasn't avoiding him either. Father told me that he wanted to eat his meals in the boathouse, so he wouldn't procrastinate on assembling his boat.

It saddened me more than it should. I wanted to talk to him more, for some reason. Whenever I was with him, my stomach lept with joy, butterflies flying in every area. Even for the littlest and stupidest things, he managed to make me smile and blush uncontrollably. Father even noticed; he joked that I had a "glow" in my eyes ever since Hoseok arrived...And I wasn't denying that. What was this feeling? It was only infatuation, right?

Stormy Sunshine | JUNG HOSEOK X READERWhere stories live. Discover now