Rain | 21

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As I stayed in Seoul, I got more used to the city; Meadshore kept slipping out of my mind every now and then since I became so familiar. The boys gave me tours of every district, from Gangnam to Gangbuk and from Mapo to Songpa. Behind the daunting concrete and glass structures, the city entailed a long history and unique culture. 

My first impressions were certainly wrong.

I was so grateful for the opportunity, the boys and Sunshine 2.0. Even better, I'm grateful for meeting Hoseok in the first place.

Even with the greatness of it all, I always ended up thinking of going back to Meadshore. Although I loved Seoul with everything I had, there was a lingering feeling that urged me to go back home. I had even considered staying here a little longer, but I knew I couldn't handle it for that long. 

I didn't belong here.

I could imagine Father's disconcerting face, worried about both of us, especially if we were a day late. I had duties back home, after all.

"It's so pretty!" Seokjin squealed, he fixed his awe-filled hands on the glass panels and stared out. 

The rest of the boys trailed behind him, eliciting astounded squeaks at the picturesque skyline.

Hoseok and I held hands whilst we sat on the side seats of the cable car, chuckling quietly at the spirited boys. Their pupils dilated at the contemporary, affluent skyscrapers which matched with the sombre yet faint background. We were almost at the tower - the ride was quicker than I anticipated.

Still gazing at the scenery, I didn't notice that Hoseok's leg was awkwardly interlaced under mine. The sudden contact caused me to glare at him. I reciprocated by cruelly trampling on his foot. He winced at the pain as I added more pressure. He reeled back in his seat, glaring at me with deathly mischief.

"Stop doing that! We're in public." I scrunched my nose, rolling my eyes at him as he pretended to be hurt by my words.

"I like doing it." He said, his lips weaving into a joking grin, his charm shining through then and there.

"I don't know why we're together." I teased.

The cheerful crinkles in his cheeks disappeared and turned into a frown. I chortled, nudging his shoulder to lighten the mood so he wouldn't profess any more sadness.

"Don't worry," I flumped my legs over his lap. He released a shocked gasp, and then drew me closer, "I like doing this too."

"Ah shit, it's raining." Yoongi cursed. The other guys laughed at his exasperated tone.

Once the cable car came to a halt at the peak of the mountain, we heard light plops of drizzling rain hitting the paved grounds. The clouds darkened from a pristine white to an ominous grey. The raindrops began to soak into our hair and clothing. The rain didn't seem to be faltering anytime soon, so shallow puddles began to fill up. 

Jungkook playfully stomped his foot in the pool emerging beside me - the water lept onto the opening of my trousers and stained them.

"Why?" I tilted my head at him questioningly. He briskly shrugged in response.

"Let's look at the view!" He ignored my unamused expression, and we sauntered to the terrace with linked arms.

The drizzle was bearable for the time being. Fortunately, the landscape wasn't ruined by the bleak weather; the high-rise buildings that used to be intimidatingly imposing were now toy-sized as I felt like I could just pick them up from the ground. The day was nearing to night as I noticed the lights from afar sharpening, welcoming the new darkness.

Stormy Sunshine | JUNG HOSEOK X READERWhere stories live. Discover now