Moon | 24

106 4 1

Hoseok's POV

"I fucked up." I facepalmed as I flopped hard onto my seat. My head lowered down to my hands as I buried myself. Even with the heating inside, my fingers were still numb from the cold a few moments ago. The chill passed down to my face, but I stayed still on my seat.

What's happening to me?

"Yes, we know." Yoongi deadpanned, scooting inches closer to me before hooking an arm around my neck, "You still have time though."

"What do you mean?! She probably wants space." I denied, lifting myself up to face him.

Strangely, his lips twisted into a gummy smile, like he was reassuring me as he rubbed my upper back soothingly with his hand. The other boys looked at us in deep thought, contemplating on what I should do.

"Take her home."

My stare darted towards Namjoon, his eyebrows were knitted whilst his lip quivered. No words spilled out after, only his potent gaze continued to pierce through mine, almost like he was insisting. I scanned the table and looked at everyone's expressions, agreeing with Namjoon as their eyes bulged out with full support.

"Yes, what Namjoon said." Seokjin patted his shoulder before taking in some air, "You knew this might've happened...You love her, right?"

With no hesitation, I nodded my head, eliciting the group of men to smile wholeheartedly with their unsurprising chortles. Seokjin's beam was the widest, exhibiting his shining teeth and looking the happiest he'd ever been.

"Then go to her. Spend those last few weeks to the fullest, you love her by letting her go." Seokjin sounded passionate as he stared straight into my eyes, "You even prepared a surprise for her back at Meadshore, remember?"

"Oh yeah..." His reminder instantaneously evoked memories from two months ago.

Y/N thought taking her to Seoul was the end of my plan, but I had something special in store for her. I almost got caught once, but thankfully she hadn't suspected anything in a while.

"She's probably at the apartment." Jungkook snapped me out of my daydream, "I think you should really go now..."

"You're right." I stood up from my seat in a hurry, unwillingly causing the glasses on the table to shake and produce high-pitched clinks.

"We'll miss you, please be back soon." Jimin lept up, immediately pulling me into a bear hug.

After that, I scampered towards the exit while hearing the boys' encouraging remarks behind me.

"Be safe!" I just about heard Taehyung when I pushed the door back. 

Butterflies invaded my stomach, not knowing how Y/N would react to me coming after her. 

Would she care? 



She could be the most unpredictable person sometimes...

Delving into my pocket, flat spikes pricked my skin as I outstreched my fingers into the sea of metal. They all felt the same with their blunt points and rusty remnants. It took me a while to find the right key as I struggled to peer through the pocket. Once feeling a thicker layer of rust, I towed it out and twisted it through the keyhole per usual.

The door creaked when I pushed the wood forward, then revealing the living room, untouched and dark. To my side, the shoe rack was empty, just like how we left it and the coat hangers too. I was starting to lose hope, wondering if Y/N was elsewhere.

However, I finally noted the humid, warm air surrounding the room. Although, I clearly remembered turning off the heaters just before we left the apartment.

She's here.

It was even quite stifling since the heat bombarded my nose, hindering me to breathe properly. 

She must've been cold.

Inspecting further, a dim light buzzed at the back of the hallway; crashing noises and irritated wails passed through, indicating that Y/N was already here. A few blaring stomps vibrated on the floor, hard enough that I could even feel it under my feet.

I walked hurriedly to my bedroom, where the sound source kept coming from. Her groans and smashing continued loudly, even when I noticed that the door was firmly shut and locked. 

"Ugh." I bellowed, knocking the door softly so I wouldn't have angered her more today.

But, she didn't seem to hear it. The typical crashes still echoed through, along with her muffled scoffs.

So without thinking for too long, I banged the door whilst my other hand struggled with the handle. The commotion from the other side immediately quietened, now with the only sound of my thuds.

"Hoseok, stop!" I obeyed as I faintly heard her voice, which was weirdly mellow unlike a few moments ago. The door eventually unlocked with its usual, harsh click before Y/N rushed back to the floor.

Her cheeks were swollen, her eyes were red and her hair was scruffy - like she had been crying for the past hour. Out of instinct, I bolted towards her and captured her in my arms. Despite the already overpowering heating of the room, I felt how warm she was against me - a nice, snug warmth unlike the surroundings. I slightly felt her hot tears, seeping through my shirt and skin, yet I didn't care since I only wanted to comfort her.

After a while, she tried to escape my hug, bashfully using her arms to push my torso away. Since I noticed her urge, I pulled away in a flash, not wanting her to become even more distressed.

"I'm packed." She announced in a mere murmur as I could barely hear her. Then she stood up and grasped onto her two suitcases, already loaded with her belongings as I also realized she changed into thicker clothes.

"I'll take you home..." I returned, gesturing if I could carry one of her bags, which she instantly declined to.

"Yes, take me home..." She charged through the door before I could even let out another word.

Good thing that I kept all my belongings in Sunshine 2.0, so we wouldn't have wasted any more time.

Y/N was downstairs in the cabin whilst I was adjusting the ship wheel. She hadn't spoken to me at all whilst we were walking here to the boat. 

I had even started to become quite worried...Was this a one time thing? Would she be like this throughout the whole journey back to Meadshore?

I seamlessly drubbed my head on the ship wheel as every dramatic scenario played in my head. Rubbing my hands on my face, I blinked my eyes for a bit before landing my gaze to the moon above. I gradually adapted to the lighting; it was brazen and blinding as my eyelids flickered constantly.

Woah, it was a full moon.

A sigh freed my lips whilst I gazed at it and held onto the railings, about to power the boat.

The craziest things do happen in a full moon.

A/N: Hobi's POV after a longgg time~

Thanks for reading and have a great day 💜❤

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