Gale | 9

199 10 3

A/N: Before we begin, there's a flashback in this chapter. So if you see a big chunk of italics and a *, it means the flashback is starting/ending.

This part might be quite confusing at first, but you'll understand the whole thing next chapter (well, hopefully)~



Fuck Hoseok.

Slouching my arms on the windowsill, I observed the clueless boy outside. My eyes were slightly squinted, my glare aggravating by each of his movements. He seemed unbothered, too comfortable as he altered the wooden planks. Perching on a miniscule stool just outside the boathouse, he started to use his tools, hammering and sawing loudly. The raucous noises resonated, even through the thick windowpane.

"Ugh," I scowled at the contented man, baring my teeth in vexation, "It seemed like he forgot what happened yesterday."

I laid my head on the frigid surface of the windowsill tiredly, still eyeing him.

Frustration ignited a hotter flame within me; that smile, that face, that presence, it ignited a feeling of antipathy.

He didn't even try, he didn't even talk to me, he didn't even apologize for what he did yesterday.

I brought my head up closer. The boy stared at my direction, his face brimming with blankness and mystery. After a while, I even glimpsed a feeble smile perking up on his face, not seeming authentic. His large hand slightly rose up, giving a timid wave that lasted for half a second.

In return, I rolled my eyes, evidently exhibiting my irritation at him. Feeling a hint of satisfaction in myself, he promptly exhaled and averted his gaze elsewhere.

To relieve my emotions, I bounced onto my bed, burying myself inside the sheets. I brought my knees to my chin, curling into a secure ball. The warmth enveloped around me, a refuge from the coldness outside.

I began to recount the events that occured yesterday. The whole thing was peculiar - his hostility, tone and words.

It wasn't like him...which was why my impression of him worsened afterwards.

What happened to him?


It had been three weeks since Hoseok and I made that deal. He didn't even try to start conversations with me. Therefore, I tried to spend some time with him, but strangely, he would always ignore me and use his usual excuse, "I'm busy".

Relaxing on one of the rugged boulders, I examined him working. This was not like him: grey bags were plastered under his eyes, his face seemed excessively oily, and puny pimples emerged on his cheeks. My gut rumbled in disquietude for him - he was not okay. Just looking at him, he seemed overly stressed.

"Hey!" I gushed, putting a fake, uplifting lilt.

"Oh, hi." He eventually turned around, his features appearing more worrisome.

"You know," I uttered a heavy sigh before tilting my head in implicit emphasis, "You shouldn't work so hard on Sunshine 2.0, you've been stressing. Even I can see..."

"It's fine, Y/N." Hoseok responded, diverting his stare to the sandy ground below him whilst knocking the grains with his foot, "You should go. I'm busy."

At that moment, a wave of overwhelming disapproval and further alarm fell over me. This was probably the 25th time that he said those two words. The man I thought I knew, he was gone. This new version of him I didn't like - I didn't like at all. Where was the Hoseok that would make me smile and laugh?

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