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I didn't know long it had been, but it seemed like an eternity before I finally opened my eyes. A sharp light shone, causing me to blink endlessly until I adjusted to the intensity.

Everything stung. 

From my head to my feet. 

I stretched, thinking it would make the situation better, but I ended up quietly screeching in pain. Then I noticed small plasters around my body and a bloody bandage wrapped around my shin. I couldn't really remember what happened, only Hoseok's voice being in my memory.

"You're awake!" Hoseok slammed the door and charged towards me, pulling me into a loose hug, "Are you feeling better?"

"I guess..." I shut my eyes, massaging my head gently with my head, "Ugh, what happened?"

"You don't remember? It was literally 25 minutes ago, but a lightning strike hit really close to the boat." Hoseok tilted his head, slightly pouting at my distress, "I'm sorry that this happened...I should've protected you-"

"It's not your fault. Thanks for taking care of me though." I looked at my plasters and released a smile towards him, just before realization struck me, "Wait. Will this delay us getting to Meadshore?"

"By a day..." Hoseok backed away timorously, anticipating for an instant reply.

"Well, Father won't be happy about that." I snickered as Hoseok gaped at me in total bewilderment and mutedly chuckled along.

"You don't usually reply like that." He continued to giggle, eliciting my laugh to louden. Our hilarity echoed in the still cabin, the waters now calm after the threatening thunderstorm. I couldn't stop even when my insides started to hurt.

After minutes of goofing around, we found ourselves exhausted, yet Hoseok had something else in mind. 

"Let's play a song." His eyes darted to the gramophone at the back. Leaving me on the bed, he searched for another disc, eventually finding one on the same table. "This is a new one!"

The sight of Hoseok restlessly turning the crank was laughable, his face was evidently red as he released fatigued pants every now and then. When he was done, he placed the needle on the disc, squinting his eyes and expecting a prompt explosion of sound.

The music immediately escaped the horn, the tune sweetly flowing into our ears. It sounded completely different to the last song; it was still loud, yet more melodious. There were fewer instruments, at times perfectly in harmony with each other. I peacefully listened to the music, swaying my head side to side.

Hoseok laid in bed with me, snaking his hands around my back, once again swinging our bodies to the lovely notes. He dramatically hummed the tune of the song, causing me to roll my eyes at him. But as he carried on, I started to join in quietly.

Gosh, I love him.

Then I finally realized something.

I wouldn't be able to hold him like this from tomorrow.

I wouldn't be able to see him like this from tomorrow.

I wouldn't be able to be with him like this from tomorrow.

My eyes, that used to be dry a minute ago, were now bursting waterfalls of tears. Hoseok noticed when he felt my head jerking momentarily, as he let go of me with a soft push.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" I couldn't see him properly with my vision blurred, already clouded with overflowing tears. I felt his thumb hurriedly wiping any teardrops falling down my cheeks.

"I-I w-will m-miss y-you..." Stuttering words freed my lips whilst I rubbed my eyes in order to see him properly. In order to get a proper, good look of him. "I don't want to forget you..."

"You won't forget me. I'll make sure of that." He sounded so confident, curling his lips into a bright beam, alleviating my crying.

"But will you forget me?" I muttered in low volume the one question that had been lingering in the back of my mind. "You'll find someone else after me..."

"No, I won't forget you, I have Sunshine 2.0. Don't say that-"

"I'm just being realistic. Long distances just won't work, we will move on...I've been enjoying every moment with you that I even forgot that I had to leave you. You're like a dream...I don't know...I don't know..." I covered my face with my hands before Hoseok tried to pull them away. "We were living too much in the moment that we didn't even realize what was obviously coming..."

"Hmm..." Quietude crept into the cabin when we both kept our mouths shut for a while. We barely heard the waves outside since they hardly rocked the boat, being the most gentle they had ever been.

The silence was soon broken by Hoseok clearing his throat, "I know you're worried...but I'll come back to you. Might take a few months, a few years or even a few decades, but I will. I agree that we might move on with other people, and that seems hard to imagine right now. But... remember that I love you and you're unforgettable to me..."

I just gazed at him as his eyes glimmered with kindness and sincerity. As I gave a mere nod, I hooked my arms around his neck again and lightly pecked his lips.

I took his word...

We will meet again.

Drowsiness then overtook me as my lids drooped, just a thin line of the night sky in my front view. The stars shimmered through the window, and I managed to catch a glimpse of a shooting star from afar.

It was beautiful.

It reminded me of how I used to dream of going to Seoul.

But, now, I had a new dream...

A/N: Next chapter is the end ;-;

Btw, there's been clues throughout the book of Hobi's last surprise ;)

Thank you so much for reading this far, this book is already so special to me! 

I'm looking forward to the last chapter, as the ending might be quite unexpected (or not hehe)

I love you all so much and have a great day 💞

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