Day 5: Not One But Two

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Wednesday August 23, 2017

Let me tell you that my little circle of friends is great. I have Lacey, Ty and Jilly. Pretty happy with that.

Jilly and I have been practically inseparable since the bookstore incident. Text, Snaps and coffee non stop. I love her, she is everything that I needed in a friend. We study and go over our homework together, and she is very much like me when it comes to getting the right grades and applying herself to school work. There are things that I am learning about Jilly; like when she studies she always has some sort of coffee stir stick or stopper in her mouth to chew on, or how when she is getting frustrated she begins to twirl her hair around her finger.

Her and I are what Anne of Green Gables (one of my favorite books) called a kindred spirit. We can sit giggle and jump right back into the student mode within seconds. A comfortable ability to sit with each other and just do what has to be done, but then get a great laugh too.

She is letting me know more and more about her as our friendship moves forward, like she was on the cheer team at her high school and was dating a football player there. She has only told me that tidbit of information but it is a start. I am excited to learn more about this crazy hair gal, however only on her terms. 

Today after classes ended we headed to the library to grab a couple of books. I needed a novel for my English Lit class and Jilly needed to look up some sciencey stuff for her Physic's class. We found ourselves a little corner table and threw our bags onto it. ' I am going to head to the restroom and will be right back.' She just nodded and headed in the direction of the book she was looking for.

Through a few bodies doing the same thing Jilly and I are doing in the library. I see this book that caught my attention. A classic, 'Little Woman' another one of my fave's. I grab it and start to flip through the pages wondering if I have time to read this epic story of family, friends and love. I take a step back with my head in the book and wham, I knocked over this guy. Ooops!

'Sorry, so sorry!' I reached down for his hand. He stood up with my help and started to smile this mega watted smile. 'All good, I guess we both had the same problem. A face in a book.' He is holding a History book and I still have 'Little Women' in my hand. We both start to laugh.

He introduces himself ; Garret and he is a Music Education Major. He plays the cello that he has beside him and he is also a freshman. He is a pretty good looking boy too. Dirty Blonde hair, long for a guy, but he wears it in a man bun (total cliche, but I dont think I mind), these icy blue eyes and he is short. I barely have to lift my head to look into his eyes.

'Meggie.' I say and wait. I am a little memorized.

At that incredibly awkward moment Jilly walks up and breaks the little trance we were in. I whisper a thank you in my mind for that. They do their polite introductions and Jilly can't stop looking at me with her eyebrows lifted to her hairline, as if saying what the heck happened here.

Garret joins us at our table and we drill him. 'Why are you caring around your cello? Where do you live?' just as an example. I mean Jilly did most of the drilling. But I sat there and listened.

He replied with a smoothness to his voice, 'I only currently have one cello and I live at home here in Corvallis, so I pretty much carry it around with me everywhere.' The only difference between him and Jilly and me is that he grew up in the area and knows a few more people than us. He seems pretty nice, and although I think he is completely gorgeous he can only be another friend. I only have room for friends currently. Things may change, but not likely.

Garret goes on and tells us that there is the 1st football game of the season on Friday and we should come, as he is in the Marching Band. I am sure he is looking at me the whole time. But this could be me willing it too.

In my ignorance 'They have cello's in the Marching Band?' and they both turn and look at me like I have 2 heads.

'No, they dont. I play the Trombone in the band.' He replies with that mega smile again, full dimples on display.

Jilly pipes in 'Didn't you go to High school games?' I feel like they are both starring at me like I lived under a rock. Which to be honest I kinda did.

'I didn't go to the High School games ever. But I did know that there wasn't a cello in our high school band, just wasn't sure if it was different in University band.' I hope I do look as ashamed as I feel. I know that they didn't mean for me to feel bad, but they just dont know what high school was for me. Another reason I fought so passionately to come to OSU.

'Well that is settles it then, you are coming to the game and watching us play.' Garret looks at both Jilly and I. Jilly is full on nodding her head so her rock-star hair is bouncing and I just cant help but giggle.

We exchanged details and Garret left promising to meet us for coffee at some point tomorrow.

I watched him leave, turned to Jilly; 'Now I HAVE to go to the restroom.' and she says 'Then we need to talk about that. That right there that is walking out the door.' I cant help but laugh out loud, 'He is just another friend Jilly, just like you. We were 2 but now have added someone new.'

I may have been content with one new friend, but who is to say that I dont have room for two.


Happiness #5 - Another New Friend

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