Day 9: Swings & Slides

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Tuesday August 29th, 2017

Sorry everyone for not being able to write daily. But because there is a 100 things to do, it means I don't always get to write when I want too. Besides my 100 list is quite long and some of the items are going to take planning and time.

School is swarming all of my free time and other than Jilly and occasionally hanging in the library with Garret. I am still trying to find a balance that doesn't get me all stressed out.

Over the last few days Earl Grey has settled in nicely and has made it his sole mission to try to sleep on my face any given chance. Good thing he is so cute cause if he was ugly it would be way easier to be mad at him.  Also I have spent some more time with Garret. Not one on one, although I am sure that is going to come, even if I an hesitant about it.  But Jilly and Garret seem to get along well, in fact last night while we were all working in the library they had the age old argument of nurture versus nature. I just sat there as they argued it out. I should mention that it wasn't like a nasty argument, it was like a scientist (Jilly) talking to a artist (Garret).

But after classes today, on my way home I decided I wanted to do something that I haven't done in a really long time.

It has been incredibly hot these last few days and I know it is only a matter of time for the weather to change, but instead of sweating and doing homework, I need to take a moment for me. Some slides and swings.

There is a school just around the corner for our apartment, and you know what they have. Yup, slide and swings.

I text both Jilly and Garret and ask them to join me.

Garret is in and Jilly has a study group for her one class, so she is out.

I actually think that she just wants Garret and me to be alone, but I am not about to call her out on it.

I saunter over to the playground, and I can hear the kids playing before I can even see it. Just the giggles and the yelling is enough to make me smile. This is a part of the reason I wanted to do this today. I needed some fresh kid enthusiasm.

As I walk up the hill, I see him. He is just standing over a bit on the path leading to the park, with his phone in his hand and looking incredibly out of place.

'Hey!' I smile, and he does the same in return.

I grab his hand and drag him over to the slides, where there is a whole bunch of little kids sliding down and then running around to do it again.

I lean down to this one red hair little girl and ask ' May my friend and I join you?'

I appreciated what she did next. She took a moment, grabbed her chin and thought a lot about this. 'Okay, but it has to be by our rules.'

I took my hand out, 'Agreed.' And her and I shook out hands.

Garret, still looking rather apprehensive 'Are you sure? We could just sit over there on the bench and watch.'

'Come on Garret, there is absolutely no happiness in that.'

And with that we spent the next hour playing on the slide with the kids. Garret although looked annoyed at first, he then eventually began to relax and enjoy himself, even laughing.

Then there were some names being called from a distance and what was our walk down memory lane with all these children was gone. Off they went waving goodbye as their mothers of fathers started calling them one by one.

We were alone and the swings were ours.

I hadn't even notice the sun go down, or how I started getting some chills. Garret noticed though. He slipped off his plaid button up shirt and handed it to me.

'Thanks, I didn't even think about grabbing something in case I got cold.'

I jumped onto the one swing and started going back and forth. He just stood there for a bit watching me. Almost like confusion written on his face. And instead of me being self conscious about it, I just felt free. The freeing wind in my face. Garret then all of a sudden was beside me doing the same thing. Back and forth and the gaze we held for a moment was just as wonderful as the swing itself.

After we allowed the swings to slow down, we just sat there. It has been a really long time since I have been able to sit beside someone with neither of us speaking in a comfortable silence.

'You amaze me. You do all these things, that are either your first time for doing it or you do something that is simple like hanging out at the park with children.'

I was gazing forward and drew my eyes to his.

'I have a few things I want to try and do in my life. And sometimes it is something as simple as reminding myself what it is like to be a child with a care free world around you. '

We sat there a little longer in silence. This is what I was looking for, I was searching for some quiet and peace. I have always needed to do something that will calm the world around me.

Garret stands and reaches for my hand. I take it with these rough fingers from the bow of his cello, rubbing my palm. Our fingers are laced and we walk back to my place.

Once we are there, he turns and faces me, our eyes locked. He then takes me by surprise and hugs me with a quick kiss on the cheek with a whisper of a good bye. And I watch him stroll away thinking that things may have gotten too complicated.


Happiness #9 - Swings & Slides.

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