Day 24: Rainbows Swirls & Unicorns Horns

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Monday October 2nd, 2017

I am just walking downtown Corvallis  doing some window shopping. Nothing special really, but I needed to finish up some details of my super surprise for Cade. There is a neat little shirt shop that does these specially made shirts and I had one made for Cade and our surprise for our day on Sunday.

What I love about window shopping in little quaint shops is you never know what you are going to find. The uniqueness of it all is quite thrilling.

I pass this one shop that has many different rainbows and unicorns collectables and if you weren't aware I love rainbows and unicorns.

It is something from my childhood that I have always held onto. The magical realm of the rainbow and unicorn led into my fantasy world that everything can and will be okay. Something I needed as a child. To know and hold a pocket full of dreams even as a preschooler.

I decide why not and head in. I even mutter to myself, 'I should not be doing this.' But I do it anyway.

I head in there and I realize that this quite possibly is a store of my dreams.

The ceiling is painted a blue, just like the sky and there are white fluffy clouds spaced out all over and then there is a sun mural on one wall and the other has a rainbow. It is truly quite eclectic.

I also notice these cool looking sunflower chairs in the corner and the amount of unicorns and rainbows is almost overwhelming. I am not even sure where or how to start.

Glancing around and I hear some lady yells hello from the back. I repeat back to her 'Hello'.And then my fingers are brushing every so gently across all the colors and beauty.

I wonder around for a few mins taking it all in. But then I see it and it is truly beautiful.

There is the stained glass sun catcher hanging in the back by those sunflower chairs. I am completely drawn to this, like a memory. It is round with a multi colors coming into the middle of it swirling into one. Like a tornado of color. To me it looks like a horn of a unicorn, and a rainbow ice cream swirl. It is beautiful.

I walk over to it and take it off the wall, and in a kind of trance I sit down on one of the sunflower chairs.

It makes me remember. I was 5 and in the hospital again. I wasn't happy about being there, but I just felt so very sick after my last treatment. Lucy is in the hallway talking to my Doctor, and I am curled up in the bed facing the window. I am feeling gross and yucky and I just really want to go home and cuddle my favorite stuffed unicorn. His name was Uni, but I forgot him in the rush out the door.

My Dad walks into my sterile room there at the hospital and heads straight for the window. He hangs this stained glass sun catcher in the sunshine and the whole room turns into a rainbow. I recall sitting up and being amazed. Luke then handed me Uni the Unicorn and said, 'Rainbows give hope. Hope; my little one, hope will make it better.' and he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

I shake my head cause I realize that I have been back in that room that I despised so much. That rainbow made it better. That rainbow gave me hope.

I stand up, this is going home with me. I must have it. I don't feel like there is no hope, I am good these days. But when I do need a little well here it is in my hand, going to be placed above my window bench. 

I walk over to the cash register and the lady who is something out of the 60's turns around. 'Oh Hello. Are your ready?'

'Yes please, I certainly am.' and I hand over the sun catcher.

'Oh I am sorry miss, this isn't for sale.'

'Oh, well.... okay.' and now I just want to leave, I want to get out of this store as fast as I can. There is no need to hang around. In fact I am feeling a little silly about all of this.

'Thank You.' and I almost bolt right out of there.

I am about half way down the block headed to my car and I may even cry, when I heard him. 'Miss? Hey Miss?' and there is this older hippy guy kind of trying to run towards me. You can tell he was the lady from the stores counter part.

I turn to him, point at myself and say, 'Me?'

'Yes, Yes,  you! Oh my goodness let me catch my breath.' And with that he is hunched over deep breathing like he has never ran before.

'Okay, I am okay. So sorry about what happened in the store. My wife didn't see you, but I did.'

'Excuse me?' I am confused with what he is saying.

'Sun Catchers are not for sale in our store cause the sun catcher will always pick the person they want to be with. It is true, I know, I know that people will say that is not true, but it is very much true. And I saw you hold that catcher in your hands and sit like you were a thousand miles away. There was sorrow on your face and then there was happiness. I saw it all. I know it picked you.'

And like that he hands me the Rainbow Swirl like a Unicorn Horn Stained Glass Sun Catcher.

'Thank You, oh Thank You.' and I hug this man in the middle of the sidewalk.

'It picked you!'


Happiness #24 - Rainbows and Unicorns

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