Day 22: Permanent Ink

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Thursday September 28th, 2017

So the other day, I told you that Garret and I had plans for Thursday. And well today is that day. 

I want to say the butterflies are fierce. They have taken over my stomach as I drive towards Garret's house. I agreed to drive cause he asked for me too. I don't mind but it does some what increase the flutters that have taken over my gut.

I haven been to his place yet. So I am nervous about that too. Really, there is nothing about all this that isn't taken over my poor little body. There is a little hum of excitement that has taken over.

Funny how one person can make you feel this way. I truly haven't had this experience before and I am not sure how to handle it.

The house is a cute little two story with a small front yard and is painted a subtle grey. Maybe not what I envisioned,but I am not really sure what I saw for his house.

I don't even get the car into park and he is already coming  down the front steps towards me and practically jumps into my car.

'Hey!' he says and I try not to throw up cause the butterflies just got way more intense. 'Hey Back.' I manage to say.

He brushes his hair off his face, and just looks into me. It is like he shares the same butterflies.

'Okay, are you ready?' he says without looking away, a deep stare. There are more words with this eyes than what is being spoken.

'Yep, just tell me where we are going.'

A turn here, a turn there and a few lights he says 'Park over there.' and points at a place on the street. I am not familiar to where we are but it is a quiet little street near downtown. And he still inst telling me anything to what we are doing. The curiosity is kicking.

'Come on.' again with the eyes. I follow him out of the car and join him on the sidewalk, he then takes my hand laces our fingers together and I just follow in bliss.

 We walk about a block or so, nothing spoken between us but our perfect silence. No need to talk when you have this built in comfort.

'Here' he says and I look up at the sign. It says Just Another Tattoo.

There must be some confusion on my face and Garret says. 'It is almost done.' and then lifts his shirt to reveal this tattoo on his chest wrapped around his ribs, it is a music.

I take one finger and trace a piece of it. ' It is beautiful. What does it mean?'

He takes my finger and pulls my whole hand to his lips. Butterfly level at full force.

'It is Sheet Music that my Grandmother wrote for her cello. It was her that made me want to play it. It was our thing, it was our passion, it was the first song she played for me. I wanted her music with me forever.'

I look up at him with a slight tilt to my head and I realize at that very moment I truly liked this guy.

'What is that look for? he says, almost like he now is second guessing himself on bringing me.

'It is just that you are .....' I have to find the word. It has to be the right one.

'Astonishing.' and with that he reaches for my hand and pulls me into the shop.

'It is hard driving when it is all taped up. That is why I asked you to drive, that and well, no one knows that I have this, and wanted to share it with you.'

I am blushing, full on red faced.

The artist comes around the corner 'Hey Garret all ready for you, come on in. Shouldn't take more than an hour to finish this.' He is a totally a gruff kinda of guy this artist. Tall and dominating colors on his arms and chest. I haven't ever had any type of encounters with a guy like this. But I instantly like him. He speaks his truth on his body, that is something admiral. 

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