Day 8: A Furry Little Friend

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Saturday August 26th, 2017

Being that this is my 1st Saturday as a student, I chilled in bed longer than I should have. Between the classes and last nights football game, I dont think I knew how exhausted I really was.

Finally hauling my butt out of bed where I am sure I could have stayed all day. I head to the kitchen in search of a cup of coffee. I intended to sit at the window bench and do some more homework this morning. However, Lacey had a different plan.

'Hey, go get dressed. I have a little surprise for you.' I see it, the hint of cheer in her eyes.

'Lace, I have a whole bunch of homework, and with Garret and Jilly coming over later, I would like to get it done.'

Of course, I knew that I would end up doing whatever she wanted to do, cause that is how the big sister and little sister relationship works. I give in almost every time.

She is giving me that look, the one that says exactly what I just thought.

'Okay, I will go get dressed.' I concede

Once I had done that, grabbed another cup of coffee with some breakfast, we headed out the door. She was being all undercover cop-ish about what we are doing. Not answering me when asked what we are doing? Where is Ty? What is going on?

About 25 mins later we pull into this farm style place right outside of the campus. It has the amazing classic red barn with white trim, and has  a huge Beaver flag hanging from the one side of it. I am confused I have to admit and Lacey just giggles and hops out of he SUV.

I can not even a little bit guess why we are here and I have to admit that there isnt any reason in my mind that answers the why.

Lacey knocks on the front door and an older woman answers it. She and Lacey exchange some words that I cannot hear, and I know they are intentionally whispering.

'Come on Doofus.'

And I follow them into the house.

Lacey then grabs my hands and says, 'I talked to Mom about this, and I know it is on your list. Soooo ready?'

She pulls me into the next room and there are 5 kittens running around.

'KITTENS!' Yes that was a squeal like scream.

'Only one Meggie, but you can pick from any of them.'

It was on my list to get a cat, I didn't know if it was going to happen. Even though most of the list is scripted, there have been a few alterations to it even being this few days in to it.

'I dont even know where to start', as I plopped down and watched them all come closer to me with curiosity in their eyes.

There is a couple of tabby ones, there is a full black one, there is a black and white little guy and then there is the grey one. He is the 1st to come over, plop into my lap and purr.

'I guess we know which one likes you.'

And we both giggle. To which the lady who I hadn't noticed is standing in the door way mentions; 'Ah you both are sisters.'

And of course we both giggle more and nod heads. See I told you it is the giggle every time that connects us.

'Lacey, are we sure? I mean what about holidays, and when I have to move home, and.....'

Lacey stares into my eyes and there are a few tears building up.

'Yes! We are sure. Mom and Dad or Ty and I will handle the kitten when we need too. Besides Ty is out buying all the stuff we need right now for the little guy.'

At this point, all the other kittens are scattered around the room doing their own thing, except this little grey guy.

'I have been chosen. He is the one.' Smile and tears as he falls asleep in my lap kneading my leg.

So with that we loaded him up into the carrier and headed back into town. We listened to him yowl all the way back, but as soon as we walked into to apartment and let him out, he was all over the place sniffing and checking stuff out.

Ty walked in a few moments later with litter, scratching post, food and a hug for me.

'Good Surprise?' he says as he reaches down to now pet our grey kitten.

'Yes! One of the Best!'

All 3 of us just stood there and stared at him climbing and checking every possible thing out.

'You will have to name him.' Ty says turning his head down towards me.

'Yeah. This is a big deal. I mean he will identify with this name for the rest of his life. I cant go wrong here.'

Both of them laugh at my response, but it is true. I may not ever get such an important decision again in my life. It has to be the right one.

After a few more moments of still the 3of us sitting there with our mouths agape. I knew it.

'Earl Grey.' And with that he turned his head and walked right to me.


Happiness #8 - A Furry Little Friend Mr. Earl Grey

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