Day 19: Bonfire

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Saturday September 23rd, 2017

And like that we are off.

Lacey and Jilly are with me in Milk Shake and Ty decided to keep Garret company in his truck.

It is only an hour drive, so leaving later was ideal. Besides it gave me enough time to love up Earl Grey. It is the first time we are going to be separated and I was worried about having enough food and water out for him.

'The joys of Cats, they can survive for one night without anyone around.' Thanks Ty for your words of wisdom. I appreciate it. In fact the wisdom did nothing for comforting my worries.

With both vehicles loaded with bags, sleeping stuff and in Garret's truck full of wood for a fire. (I may have mentioned that we should have a fire for Jilly). We are on the road heading in the direction of the beach.

Taking a little longer to find Garrets Aunts place than we anticipated. Really what happened is that they kept taking the wrong turns and so we gals ended up pulling over and Googled it ourselves. In fact we sat outside of the place for 15 mins waiting  for the guys to find the place.

The little cottage style home is super cozy, and has these great large floor to ceiling windows that look right out onto the beach and ocean.

We all got our places to lay on our beds, Jilly and I are both in the master bedroom and Lacey has taken the single bed down the hall. Garret is going to sleep on a cot, and Ty has the couch.

I am digging out a sweater, as from growing up in Oregon you just know that the wind off the ocean can be quite piercing. Especially at this time of the year. Early fall can be a little unpredictable.

'Hey Meggie, I maybe brought something that I shouldn't have.' Jilly has her hand shoved into her backpack with her stuff.

I just looked up at her with a silence question of what in my eyes.

'This!' and out she pulls a bottle of vodka. Not a big one, but big enough for the tall scrawny Jilly to have a pretty drunk weekend. 

'Garret asked that we didn't. Why did you?' I am trying very hard not to be mad, or disappointed.

She kind of gives me this shrug, 'I am not sure. It would be something we would do at home in one of the combine field houses. We just always brought booze.'

'Just put it away Jilly. I choose not to drink for a varying amount of reasons, but the most important of those reasons is that Garret asked us not too. Have to respect that.'

She kind of stares at me with this face of disbelief and then goes and places it back into her bag.

I leave her in the room to dwell for a bit. Hopefully not to drink.

Wonder into the kitchen pondering if I should say something to the others. I quickly decide that it is her decision and therefore what she chooses is how it will all reflect on the others. I just am not going to give them a heads up as they will either figure it out or she just won't. I am going to give Jilly the benefit of the doubt, she will choose not too. 

With everyone situated around the island, we decide it is time to venture out to the beach and along the pier looking for somewhere to eat.

Lunch and Dinner came and went and all 5 of us are enjoying out time. Lacey is reading on the deck, Garret and Ty are out in the water wading their feet. Jilly is napping and I am just watching the people walk by.

I am interrupted by the guys who have walked back to us and with the sun going down want to  start building a bonfire.

'I am ready!' I say with the excitement oozing out of me.

I head inside to grab Jilly, some snacks and hot coco for us all. 

Now I don't know if may people have had the bonfire experience, I haven't as of this moment. But I suspect it is going to be completely magical.

With our goodies in tow, Jilly and I head out towards the beach. 'We sit right on the beach?' Jilly asks a little confused. I nod and everyone answers  in unison. 'Yeppers.'

I am holding my large cup of hot chocolate, looking at the horizon and I cannot tell where the land and the sea meet. It is just so dark out. I would call it almost euphoric in the sense that there isn't a beginning or an ending. A sense of forever.

Garret plops down beside me with a blanket that he throws on my legs.

Lacey and Ty are on the other side of the fire talking all curled up.

And Jilly is lying on the beach looking into the sky. My eyes wonder up too, all those twinkling little lights are intriguing how the dominate the sky.

Garret nudges me and points his head in the direction of Jilly. I look over at her face and it looks like she is almost crying, tears glazing her eyes.

I choose not to pursue it, we all have dreams and we all have secrets. Who am I to force the talk if she isn't ready to let us inside. I don't want to share mine, I am just not ready. It will all come out when it is suppose too and Jilly's secret is no different.

Garret reaches over and pulls out his guitar, ' I don't know many songs, but I am going to give it a try.'

'Garret? Guitar too? I didn't know.' I give him a little body bump with my shoulder.

'Yeah, well self taught and I dont know much, just enough to strum a few chords here and there.'

Jilly moves over to beside me and we are now leaning on each other, flames are burning and music in the background. Lacey and Ty are huddled in closer to us too. It has this peace, this quietness when there is only the guitar, the waves, and fire cracking. It is like being wrapped up in the best blanket, best hug, the best!

Garret continues to strums a few chords and we all just sit there listening to the waves crash, the logs crackle; lost in out own thoughts. I look over at their faces.

Lacey, has a hard line on her lips, she is likely stressed or worried about something.

Ty is looking down using his finger to draw in the sand like drawing the problem out will resolve it.

Jilly has her head leaning on her knees and staring into the fire. I cannot guess what her thoughts are, but to me she looks pensive.

Garret has his eyes closed and faced up the the top of the fire. Guitar in hands and at peace, grateful for the day, for the fire.

All I can think at this moment is how wonderful serene this is. How much peace I feel. If this is what heaven is like then it will be absolutely perfect.


Happiness #19 - Bonfire

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