Chapter 1

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( Jack and Mark have green hair and red hair because of what I have planned for the book)

Jack's POV
"-AND I'LL SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" I yelled my voice not straining one bit. I turned off my camera and immediately hopped out of my chair and rushed in the bathroom to take a shower.

     I took a short shower so it wouldn't take a long time to dry.

    After a while I turned off the water and dried my hair, looking in the mirror, I saw my bright green hair immediately I chuckled to myself with a content smile on my face. I decided to wear some jeans and a long sleeve shirt, it's comfortable enough.

I wandered around my house for a bit remembering some memories. After me spacing out for 3 or more minutes I realized that if I waited any longer I would be late to the airport, I stared at my luggage worriedly. I quickly dashed over to my luggage and started packing the rest of my belongings in the bags.


As I sprinted out of the house and little green notebook caught my eye. Should I take it? It doesn't seem like it belongs to some one though. Then an idea popped into my head. Maybe I could write in it each day until I can surprise them!  "Great idea," I muttered to myself while skimming through the pages to make sure it wasn't written in. I put the notebook, no more like I shoved it, into my bag because I might be late to the airport thanks to me spacing out. I got into my car and drove to the airport looking back at my house.

It was so crowded today it seemed that a lot of people were crammed together and groups were getting separated , but maybe because it was the weekends. Every time I bumped into some one I murmured a 'sorry' just loud enough for them to hear. I hope we planned this out right, and I won't get caught. I then texted Felix making sure he didn't do anything to the plan,

J:are you sure Mark's not going to be there?

F:chill. It's not like we would want to lie to you about this. Mark really wants to see you so I want to see his reaction. Plus, you haven't seen him in a long time, I wouldn't want to be the one to ruin the fun.

J:okay... just checking

J:oh! I gotta go on the plane now so I'll text you when I get there. Bye.


I sighed as I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket taking another glimpse at my phone to see if he texted anything extra. This is going to be a long flight all the way to LA. But, hey it's worth it... right? I thought to myself. I really hope I'm not going to come at a bad time or ruin anything.

I'm just so excited to see Mark, he is my best friend after all, maybe when they take off I should start to write in my notebook to help me pass time until I get there. It's nice that it's green, but it looks new and it smelled... fresh, like new books from a store. odd. I shrugged it off and grabbed my pencil.(Jack's writing is in bold)

Dear... journal?
Anyways, I can't wait to see Mark! But, I'm probably going to show him this anyways. Oh well. I wish I could come up with something to write so Mark could see how happy I am to see him.

I put down my pencil, not quite content at what I wrote but I kept it anyways, then put it in the notebook and soon the words shined a bright, but faded green, like a little darker than my hair. I stared at it for a moment, confused. Then I somehow came up with words to write on the notebook to Mark. Weird. Might as well start writing before I forget....

I hope you have wonderful birthday Mark! I'm glad I get to spend time with you, even if it took hours to get to you. I have so many games in mind that I think the whole group would love to play. But, I'm going to go to sleep now.

I sighed, I had almost a whole paragraph of words I could write in my mind but I decided to cut it short. I was so excited to see the whole group, and play games. I guess the best option is to sleep to pass the rest of the time, plus I'll catch up on the sleep I missed when recording videos!


I woke up to the sound of people talking and
shuffling around. Am I already there? I rubbed my eyes . I'll text Felix then, I hope Mark isn't there...

J:I'm here!

He better not still be asleep. He wasn't answering my texts, I'll call him then. "Hello?" Felix muttered his voice was dry and raspy so I assumed he just woke up. "I'm here!"I yelled getting the attention of a few people, "man, how are you so energetic all the time?"he mumbled still half asleep.

"Well I just am and I had coffee from the people on the plane and I'm now heading over to the house, so Mark better not be there!" I told him, putting emphasis on the word Mark.

"Shit," was all I heard him blurt out, then he hung up. Mark is probably still there, maybe sleeping, I should be careful when I come in the house maybe I should go through the window at the back. Why did I choose to go to Mark's house? Well, I gotta surprise him on his birthday.

"Let's do this," I whispered to no one in particular. I ran up to the window on the back of house and saw a ladder, hmm how convenient. I positioned the ladder with the window and carefully climbed up the fairly sturdy ladder without looking down.

Mark's POV
    I woke up to Felix talking to me and shaking me awake, "Mark you should record a video because... um... you- ah-ha! Because you forgot to make a video yesterday!" Felix practically yelled in my face. "Oh shit, fuck I forgot but they'll understand right? I told them I was just resting and having fun because I needed a break, but I said I would at least get a short video out on what I was doing. But no need to stress myself, I can just do one now," I rambled on. Felix was already gone by now- I then heard a soft clink, well it was more of a bang, on my window. I turned my head and saw...

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