Chapter 4

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Jack's POV
      I woke up and walked out of the door since the calendar said it was Mark's birthday, man time passed so quickly, but I just got here today, I shrugged it off and upon seeing Mark I ran into his arms. "Sur-" I started, but I was cut off...

With Mark's yelling, " What the fuck are you doing here!" He pushed me off. "I thought you would be happy to see me." I mumbled. "I hate you!" "You are so dumb!" "ME YOUR FRIEND!?" That was when the first fist flew and it hit me in the face. It stung so badly yet I didn't move, I was too shocked. The person i looked up to... was beating me up.




I hate you

I was NEVER your friend

No one loves you

Go away

   "Go die" then he kicked me over and over again. "I- why- M-Mark please s-stop" I sniffled. He burst out in laughter.

Then I realized he hates me. Mark kicked and punched me throwing me on the the floor.

I couldn't hold it back. I started tearing up.

Cry baby




   "Die" I ran. Tears falling from my eyes wetting my shirt. I found Felix, then...

He started beating me up too. Why would they do this. I thought I was their friend but apparently not anymore. I could feel a warm substance coming out of my arm, it was blood.
Mark then came with two knifes. My eyes went even wider. They stopped beating me up for a few seconds, I had the chance to run away but I didn't.

They started cutting me leaving me with cuts all over my body. They laughed and smiled with each cut they gave me. They loved seeing me in pain.

Then Felix stabbed my arm. My vision was blurry because of me crying. But a new set of fresh tears poured out of my eyes as the new pain made its way through my body. They continued doing this until I blacked out from blood loss.

I woke up with bandages on my arms. I shot straight up regretting it as I got beaten up a few minutes ago I slowly crept out of bed. Then someone punched me in the gut. "Morning. You woke up late so don't expect us to go easy on you," I nodded and went down stairs to cook some breakfast.


I placed down the plates and started eating until Mark grabbed me by my neck. "I don't care if you are starving, we'll give you just enough food to get by, its better if you suffer for what you did to us," Mark growled then threw me off the chair. I quickly stood up to go to my room. What did I do to them?

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