Authors note

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Soooooo, I made plans and scenes for things so I'm going to copy and paste them here for you guys to see. Oh! If you weren't satisfied with the ending, I was sort of content with it, but I might redo it in the future -M 4/15/19

~~why Hazel was coming after them~~
Hazel is coming after them because she thinks the group killed her brother, but she doesn't know her brother is Mark and that he is alive. She thought she saw them bring him in and kill Mark, because they somehow fell off a bridge. After a few hours she heard Mark's screams, but that was because Mark was playing a rage game with the group.

Mark and Hazel got separated during birth but met again when Mark is 23. When they got together they were on a bridge, they both tripped off it before they could say their names or even remember each other's face.

They both survived because Mark protected Hazel while they were falling, if it weren't for the group Mark could have died. Mark went on to be a youtuber, but never forgot his sister.

Hazel was taken in by seemingly kind people, but then turned abusive. Hazel escaped and got an apartment. She found a notebook and realized anything she wrote in it would come true. Just as she was going to write in it to get her brother back. The wind took it away.

Hazel then searched for the notebook and any signs of who 'killed' her brother. She soon found the house her brother was brought into and she spied on them and waited for the best time to get revenge.

She soon saw a green haired man walk outside. Hazel also saw him grab the notebook, she was infuriated by this and trained more that day.

Hazel heard two people talking outside on how to destroy the notebook. She quickly ran up to them and snatched the notebook from the backpack.

She later discovered the other part of their group was gone and the people inside the house were Jack, Felix, and... Mark, Mark looked and sounded like her brother, but it's been years since they seen each other.

She wishes it was all a dream and her 'dead' brother was alive. She cri she cri.

Mark also misses his sister but KNOWS she is alive. He hopes she knows he is alive.

But Hazel is the notebook girl.

And Mark is the 'dead' brother, who is now 29.

Will they still love each other by the end?(as brothers and sisters)

Man I'm good at my stuff, I think. Damn, making cliff hangers for myself! Make sure to clear this up oki myself, make Hazel explain it a bit. Also remember to sleep early so you can read fanfics in the morning, and check over the last chapter a lot of times, so there is no mistakes. But, wait myself. It feels weird to talk to myself like this. You made up a plot twist that...

Dark was really all behind this madness. He thought it would be boring if they just met up. He also wanted to see Anti, and he wanted Mark to become a youtuber and meet all his beloved fans. He made them fall and hoped they would survive. Then he gave some help for Mark to survive.

Then, you know what happens. He made Hazel believe that Mark was dead. Boom! Makes Hazel want revenge and stuff. Then when Dark tells them this. Everyone gets mad at Dark and tackles him. Then Dark looks at the reader and says, "I mean, I had to make the story more interesting to you guys." Then they all look up at the reader, "Thanks, for being on this journey with us," they all say in unison.

Yay! Congratulations myself for planning stuff out. Finally.

~~aye, look what I did~~

"don't you hate him Jackieboy?" (Name) asked. "We have grown close over the years! Now let us go!" I yelled at (gender).(gender) shook (gender) head with (gender) smile growing, " Not so fast!" (Name) replied. "Man, it would be bad for me to hurt people you love," (name) cackled , "but wouldn't it be worse if you hurt them yourselves?"

"N̴̤͕̯̻̔̀̀̿͆̾̓̆̊͆̿̉͋̽̉̿̓͛̆̀̚͝͠͝ o!" Anti and I yelled in unison, "hurt me instead," I demanded. "N̶͓̚ọ̵̃ ̸̰͒h̵̼̀u̸̧̐ṙ̶͚t̸͉̒ ̸͇͗m̷̬̓é̸͇ ̶̱͆i̵͚̊n̵̠̉s̴̳̈́t̷̢̾e̴̗̎a̵̗̚d̸̝̏," Anti pleaded. "Make a decis-" we cut (gender) off by screaming, "H̸̨̡̛̫͕̺̺̿̅̆͑̅͆́͗͒̋̀͝ͅù̸̠͇̞̺̺͍͖͇́̀̚r̶͇͉̥̳͔͂͌̇̈́̏t̵̢͚̂̈́̽͝ us ȃ̷̛̍ͅñ̸̗͙̺̥͐̾̉ḓ̶̲͂̅́̄̃̃ not t̴̹̗̫̀͛͠h̶͕̗̪̍̓̈̎́̔̐͝ę̵̘̰͓̩̉̇̓͛́͂͋ others!" Tears formed in my eyes as I looked at Anti, "we made the right choice", I whispered to Anti blinking my tears back. "Say your final good-byes to them then," (gender) offered.

They looked horrible, scars cuts bruises everywhere... "Anti, Seán you didn't have to do this," Mark spoke up. "It's okay Mark, just- know that you were- no- are the best friend I could ever ask for," I told him tears welling up in my eyes again. I said good-bye to the rest and cried on Anti's shoulder all the way to the prison, I could tell he was crying too.

Boom! Back at it again!

~~yikes, my writing was bad in my scenes and plans~~

Jack wonders why Mark didn't ask questions about the notebook at all. Jack asks Mark why he didn't question.

Use this: "Well I mean your whole group has been through many things together in books and in real life" 'Mark' states. "What do you mean?" Jack asked. "Oh nothing!" 'Mark' replies. "The reason 'Mark' didn't ask any questions is because well, it wasn't Mark, hmm I wonder if you can find your little friend, and and if your wondering who I am, I'm the notebook girl! I switched us out when you explained because if he asked questions that would of delayed my plan. But lucky for you I let him out most of the time, I told him if he told people about this I would kill someone! Uh oh time to go bye for now!" Then she turned back into to her normal self and disappeared while writing in the notebook she had stolen from me a few minutes ago.

~~why does Jack have a really intense dream?~~
Because Hazel saw Jack grab the notebook, and thought Jack was the one who was killing Mark.

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