Chapter 14-final chapter

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Mark's POV
Why? We could have done something, something else! Tears fell down my face as I watched them walk into the cell. "We could have done something!" I cried out, choking on my tears.

"Dark! Can't you do something!" Felix's were puffy and tear streaks were clear on his face.

"I-I, how- I thought she would have at least felt bad for this and let us go..." Dark shed a single tear. I've never seen him cry.

Dark didn't even try to wipe away the tear as it fell down his face, then we returned to Jack's room.

"We have to get them back!" I yelled effortlessly wiping my tears away. "We NEED to get them back!"


     My vision was still blurry after Dark explained the plan. I'm not sure how long I've been crying.

     "Mark?" Dark asked. "What?" I mumbled as I wiped my eyes once again. "We have the plan to get them back," Dark tried to get me off the floor, but I refused and stuck to the floor.

     "Mark, come on! We are going to save them," Dark tried pulling me up again and I obliged. "Mark..." Dark wiped away my tears and pulled me into a warm embrace. I've never really seen this side of him.

     I was a little shocked but I hugged back and cried onto his shoulder. He rubbed circles into my back in attempts to calm me down. "I'm here for you, Mark," Dark spoke up.

     After a while, I calmed down and said a quiet thank you to Dark. "That really made me feel better," "Huh? Oh, no problem, I just felt like you needed it." I gave him a weak smile and hugged him one last time before meeting up with Felix who was in his bedroom.

"Hey Felix, are you ready to try and get them back?" I asked, Felix nodded his head, and soon we were calling for Hazel again.

Third person POV
      "Hello, hello, hello!" Hazel began as she appeared in front of us, her smile dropping,"It turns out," her voice faltered, "that I couldn't get my brother back because h-he is alive..." She looked away as Jack and Anti appeared.

     Hazel looked back at them tears in her eyes, "I didn't mean for this to happen," tears streamed down her face as she looked down, ashamed, "I know a sorry wouldn't be enough but it's worth trying, I'm sorry, I'm so terribly sorry I-"

      They all hesitated until Mark spoke up, "It's okay." "B-but I almost killed two of your friends!" Hazel argued, not caring if the blame was pointed towards her. "Who said those idiots were my friends!" Jack joked, "And... dead family can make people do wonders."

      "So, your accepting my apology after all I've done?" Hazel asked, frozen in shock. "Of course," Anti claimed, a thin smile on his lips, "I forgave Jack." "I only forgot Anti! I didn't let you out because I forgot about that promise, and also you almost fucking killed me!" Jack hissed, destroying the positive mood that was in the air.

     "Also, I don't mean to be a bother, but could you guys help me find my brother?" "Of course!" Jack thrusted his arms around Hazel and hugged her.

"Well, about that,I might have made Mark and Hazel fall off the bridge, made Hazel want revenge, because I wanted Mark to meet all these awesome people, and just Mark and Hazel meeting would be boring," Dark explained.

The group tackled Dark onto the ground, infuriated but happy they got to go on this adventure together. Then Dark looked at the reader and chuckled, "I mean, I had to make the story more interesting to you guys." Then the rest looked up at the reader, "Thanks, for being here, I guess," they all thanked the reader in unison. But, of course Mark had to ruin the moment, "wait, how do we explain this to our fans?"

They got the ending they always have wanted, even though it was hard to tell their fans, and perhaps, maybe the notebook girl, was a wonderful tale to tell all.

"Hey! I'm still here! Don't ignore me just because I asked a question!"-Mark

     Mark, I'm trying to end the story here, so would you please just shut the fuck up. -me
     "The End!" -Anti
     "Anti! I was supposed to do that!" -Mark
Oh my fucking gosh, just both of you shut the fuck up! -me
     "So, immature..."-Dark
     "Nobody asked for your opinion Dark!" -Mark
     "And nobody asked for you to talk Mark."-Dark
     "Hey! I'm here too! Fucking idiots..." -Jack
     "Oh hi Jack!" -Mark
     "Hi Mark." -Jack
Do you guys want to to the end part?-me
     "Byyyyyeeeee bitches!"-Jack
     "They are still so immature."-Dark
     "And your still a bitch!"-Anti
Umm, I guess Goodbye!-me

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