Chapter 8

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Mark's POV


Jack's POV
I never thought of what happened that night, when Mark got up after my energy was drained out of me, that night, when I saw him almost die.

I shrugged it off for now and stood up to go get something to eat. I made my way to the kitchen, paying more attention to the details of the house.

I wonder how Mark lives in this house, does he try to do everything as loud as possible? I would, that's for sure, and scream at the top of my lungs too, wait, I already do that. When I arrived at the kitchen, I saw Mark's arm poking out of a corner.

     "Mark?" As soon as I asked that the arm was suddenly pulled away. I quickly ran to the corner, forgetting how hungry I was before.

       Then I heard a thump, what was happening with Mark? Suddenly my head felt extremely heavy. Then I fell onto the floor.

Mark's POV 
     I hope leaving that quickly wasn't too suspicious. "If only you knew why I was getting revenge," her voice was quiescent. "Just tell me, why," I pleaded.

      "Do you really want to know?" Her voice was still hushed but it was louder than last time she spoke.

       "Your friend killed my brother," she paused to let me ask any questions. "I think his name is Jack," she continued, "I heard my brother's screams, I can't see how he still smiles so much!" She paused once again clenching her fists, but I let her continue, "I heard you two were best friends."

      She stepped into my view, she had black hair that had faded red tips, hazel eyes and a skin color that was close to mine.

       She sighed, "I have to do this- for my brother."

Felix's POV
          "Oops," a voice blurted from the kitchen. I walked over to the sound to investigate to see Jack on the floor rubbing his head in pain.

"Anti? I thought you were outside, and what happened to Jack?" I asked, clearly worried for the two.


         Anti and Jack are kinda like brothers because of DNA. So, somehow Anti popped out of Jack's hair. Anti thought it may have to do with the dye because he made it.

    "Anti you can be an ass sometimes, and at those times you suck!" Jack bickered. "Okay, okay! I'm, sorry," Anti lowered his voice down to a whisper, "but your a bitch too,"

    Jack quickly jumped up and tackled Anti, all I really heard was yelling. "Guys!" I yelled. They suddenly pulled away from each other and stood up still glaring at each other childishly.

      "You guys can think each other is a bitch, but I know both of you are," I smiled brightly at them then bolted back to my bedroom.

       I seemed to have forgotten that they're faster than me. As I reached for the door handle, then knocked me off my feet then hit me multiple times, I'm glad they didn't do their hardest.

       "We're both not bitches but Felix is!" Jack told Anti, he nodded his head in agreement then hugged Jack saying sorry to him. Then, Jack said sorry back.

     "Awwwwww, it's brotherly love," I  cooed , forgetting the pain in my sides. They punched me once again, then pulled me up into another hug. "You still suck Felix," Anti whispered. I glared at him and he still had that look of amusement on his face.

"Oh! Yeah, so do you guys know what's happening with Mark?" Jack asked stepping out if the hug. "No, I haven't seen Mark around here, the last time when I saw him was a while ago."

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