Chapter 12

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Mark's POV
     "Are you sure this is going to work Jack? Just calling out for her?" I asked looking over the plan once again.

     "Better than trying to find where she is," he shrugged and we called for her. "Hello, hello, hello," a voice called out and we knew who it was. "Hazel," I stated firmly.

"Who else would I be?" Hazel affirmed appearing in the room. "Hazel, please listen to me, we need to stop this," Jack pleaded in hopes to persuade her. Hazel scoffed, "and why would I do that?" "Because no one here did anything wrong!" Jack beseeched.

"Oh! So killing people's brothers is nothing!" She yelled, her eyes pricked with tears as she took a step back. "But, Jack didn't kill anyone!" I implored taking a step closer.

"Maybe he's alive, do you remember his name?" I asked hoping that maybe he might still be alive. "We never got to tell each other our names, we got... separated when... something happened, he sacrificed himself for me, and I heard that scream in this house. I know he died, I know I heard, 'you killed him?' 'great job!' 'Thanks guys!' And I knew whose voice that was. It was your's Jack," a frown was plastered on her face.

"You don't understand! That was Mark, Bob, Wade and I playing a game, I killed Mark in the game and that was it," Jack explained, Hazel's eyes flickered to a understanding look then back to angry.

"Bull shit!" She yelled, "I had abusive parents, I found my brother then he died because of you, there is no use lying!" "I'm so sorry that that happened and I didn't kill your brother," Jack repeated.

"Sorry isn't good enough and its not going to pay for what you did!" She spat, suddenly the background changed from Jack's bedroom, to a circuit type platform, with six doors to my left and four to my right. The four looked exactly like where I was a few hours ago, my cell.

"Now, there is no reason to fight, Jack didn't do anything wrong," Dark claimed, he was still as calm as usual.

"Jack did nothing wrong, my ass, I'm going to avenge my brother, even if I die in the process," swore Hazel.

She wrote something in the notebook and suddenly we were all blasted to the wall. "We need to get the notebook!" I yelled, they all grunted in response.

She shot water balls at us and I couldn't help but feel guilty that I had to keep going towards her even if my friends were blown back.

I noticed that Anti was almost right beside her, "̷̨̞͇͓̓̆̐̈́̊̋́̚̕G̸̛̩͕̜̤̅̓͗͠í̸̛̜͉̦̊̎̏̑̀̑̌̍̈́͌͑̇̚v̸͕͓̱̺̺̗̰̪͕͚̰̗̗̝̻̭̺̯̔͛͘ë̴̡̙͖͇̱͎̲̦̮̪̣͙̠̟́̈́̑̒̆̀͛͆ ̶̗̳̳̿͗̽̓̃̔̓̾̐͘̕m̶̧̛̮̞͈͔̪̮̘͈̜̼͇̞̤̹͕̊̌͑̀ͅe̴̫̽̓̾̌͑̀ ̴̨͕̖̦̤̰̔̓̇̌̓̍̎̉̅̽͛̈́͌̆͘̕͝͠t̸̢̜̬̞̞̲̥̭̥̼̱̫͛̒h̸̡͓̙͚̅̄͗̂́̉̈̀̕̕ą̷̡̡͈̭̻̬̙̙̩̘͓͚͓̜̭̳̼̂̽̋t̵̨͈̝͚͈̳̎́̈́̽̄̈ ̵̧̜̜̹̜̝͔̜͕̦̜̥͑̽͌̉̂̀̿̈́ͅd̷̖̮̰̯̮̰̓̏̌͊͌̔͘͠͝ą̵̡̛̛̜̖͇̮̙̆̓̋̇͒̌̀̒͑̄͛̎̑m̵̙͓̼͙̙̮̑̿̿͂̈́̓̓̉̊̀̚͝͠͝͝͠n̸̡̢͓͍̪̬̮̞̙͙͎̺̠̘͓̒̂̑͐̂͗͛̿͒͋̈́̕ ̵̛̘͙̼̥͆̾͌̄͗͛̎͝n̵̢̨̥̞̣̒̋̆̐̓̿̒̔ǫ̸̝̣̲̣̼͇̹̜̞͓̼̱̗̺̋̋̑͑ẗ̵̨̬͍̼͎͙̞̝̯̱͕̪̦̦̗̻́͋͜ͅȩ̴̻̲̬̼̹͔̣̐̀̌̔͗̐̒̓̀̉̈́͂͒̎̚͝b̸̧̺͔͚̯̭̯͓̰͐͛͌͜ͅơ̵̗͚͈̳̏̈́̿͗̍̃̑͘ọ̴̢̬̿͗̈́k̵̨̨̢̢͙̩̖̻̙̺̤͎̟̘̭̱̿͗͊̎̅̽͛̑̚!̸̡̭͔̖̖̘̦͍͇͚̈́̔̑͐̔"̵̛̫̿̂̎̃̍̂̔̒̌̎̊̏̃̈́͘

Anti was blasted back to the wall, and I heard a sickening crack. I paused, should I get the notebook or go to Anti? But, if I get the notebook I can heal Anti. I wonder if Jack can feel his pain.

I pressed forward and tried to ram into her but, I had the same fate as Anti. "Fuck." "Anti, any ideas to convince her?" I yelled over all the screaming. "Yeah," Anti spoke up, "Hazel why can't you just bring your brother back to life?" "Because I can't just write so and so dies or lives, it's not life note and death note," Hazel stated before sending the rest of our friends to the wall with us.

"But there is one thing this notebook can do, it can use two souls to get back one person that is dead," she smirked and soon everyone blacked out.


Jack's POV
I shot up as soon as I woke up, and the pain in the back of my neck hurt like hell. The others were still asleep so I checked to see where we are. It was a cell.

Very spacious, for a cell. I looked to my left and there was a door, I tried to open it, obviously it was locked.

I looked to my right and there was a window it had no bars, and it was one of the big windows and next to it was a keyboard.

Right beside me was Anti, so I tried waking him up. That didn't work. "EVERYONE WAKE UP!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Anti jolted awake and he knocked me off my feet so that I fell face forward.

I was going to flip Anti off, but we have to make plans to get out of here and fast. I pushed myself off the ground and sat against the wall. "So, we have to create another plan?" Mark asked. I nodded my head slowly, as I still had a stinging pain in my head.

     "God damnit Anti," I mumbled under my breath. "What? It's not my fault-" "We need to focus on the plan," Dark interrupted. I stuck my tongue at Anti, forgetting that I told myself not to start any fights with anyone.

     "First let's check if everyone is here," Mark suggested wearily. "Felix?" "Here." "Jack?" "Here." "Dark?" "Here." "Anti?" "Here." "Okay, since everybody is here and we don't know who she is going to pick, let's finally make a decent plan," Dark conversed.

     "So the other plan wasn't good enough?" Mark asked. "Oh! The plan of calling her out so that we would be put in here? Of course it was a bad idea!" Dark yelled, not even trying to be polite. Also, ouch, I created that plan and it was the best we could do.

     "I thought Dark would be more calm, considering Mark is his opposite, and Mark has a short temper," Anti exasperated. "Sorry to ruin your moment Anti, but Hazel could come in at anytime and kill our sorry asses," I stressed.

"You right, you right," Mark affirmed. "Okay, So are we all good?" I asked impatiently. There was a mix of the words, yes and yeah.

"Well, since Dark obviously didn't like our last plan, why doesn't he make this plan," Mark suggested. We nodded our heads in agreement.

"We could try to bring her brother back," Dark asserted. "And how the fuck are we supposed to do that?" I asked. "Guess."

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