Chapter 6

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     Jack's POV
         I slowly got out of the bed scared to feel the pain again. If that was a dream, why did it feel so real? Why did I have that dream?

My clothes were wet from crying so much so I changed into a more baggy shirt. I sighed. I didn't want that to happen to me. So, I walked through the secret passage ways to the kitchen.

I cooked some eggs and bacon for myself and quickly ran back to my room. I didn't realize how hungry I was. I guess I forgot to eat yesterday.

I finished my food and walked over to the kitchen. I placed my plate down and stumbled back to my room. Everyone seems to be asleep I should check the time. I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone hoping that it wasn't too early. 8:42. I slumped my shoulders back and knew that Felix was probably asleep. I sprung off the bed to get the note book.

Dear journal,
Felix should wake up and show me around the place because Mark's sleeping. It's so boring just sitting here doing absolutely nothing. Just imagine of Felix suddenly appeared here and fell on the floor finally waking up. That's what he gets because in our plan he said, 'I promise Mark is not going to be here!'

That was fun? I wonder if I could write stories with this that is exactly what I'm going to do but what would I wr-. The words glowed again faded but still green.

Soon, Felix appeared and fell on the floor finally waking up . "What? How am I...." Felix sputtered, I looked at what I wrote in the notebook then back to Felix. Notebook. Felix. Notebook. Felix.

I kept doing that until I dropped the notebook. "Why the fuck am I here?" Felix asked rubbing his eyes. I pointed to the notebook my eyes still wide with horror at what a person could do with that kind of power.

"No. What would happen if this book goes into the wrong hands!" Felix shook his head as he looked through the pages.

"We need to get rid of it and fast" I finally responded. We both ran out of the house with the notebook in... my bag?

"Felix where the fuck is the notebook." I croaked. " It's over here!" A girl yelled, "I've been looking for this for a long time..." she wrote something in the book then disappeared. I went back into the house and woke up Mark.

"Jack? Why are you here?" Mark yawned. "I wanted to surprise you but now I can't because I found a magical notebook that whatever you write in it becomes true or happens. But now a girl has it and she wanted it for a long time and I don't know what she is going to do with it!" I blurted out.

He nodded his head understanding, not questioning my story at all, he seemed off, but whatever . "We need to find this girl and fast," Mark told me, I nodded in agreement. I ran out the door to look for Felix but also to leave Mark to change.

I was so nervous. What if she try's to kill one of us? I shrieked as a hand touched my shoulder. I turned around and shoved the person off.

"Jaysus Mark! You fooking scared me!" I yelled, which made Felix come in the hallway. "That wasn't Mark, he was with me," Felix gulped. "Oh shit," we both whispered in unison.

Suddenly a hand pulled back Felix as he shrieked in terror. What was this thing and why did it look like Mark. But the hand that Felix was pulled by was pale, like my pale skin.

Who could it be? I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I heard a blood curdling scream, but it was from Mark this time. What was happening? Ugh, I have too many damn questions! I need to find out what's with my friends first. That's smart right?

I slowly creeped up to the corner where Felix was snatched from. "Hello?" I asked. Gosh dang it Jack! When ever you hear screams and your friends seem in danger you don't say 'hello?' It's not some fucking horror movie!

Whatever they are, they probably know where I am now so in conclusion, I'm fucked! So, might as well stand here like an idiot and wonder who those things are. What looks like Mark? Also, what has skin as pale as I have?

Oh! I should have noticed sooner, it's probably fucking Anti and Dark. I hope he won't kill me, I mean he won't, we are friends now. "Hey is this Anti and Dark?" I called out. They probably won't respond, I mean they were busy scaring the shit out of Felix and Mark.

I chuckled to myself, I wonder what they are doing now.

Felix's POV

I heard a chuckle, it didn't sound like Anti's though. It sounded like Jack's. I still can't believe I got scared by Anti, he is a bitch. "Hey Mark-" I began but I just realized he was gone, but was that really Mark I was with? I mean he seemed very calm, then a few seconds after he disappeared he came back super worried about us, but where is he now? He probably ran off, somewhere.

     I saw Jack, his back was turned to me though. "Jack, have you seen Mark anywhere? Oh and also Dark and Anti tried to scare me, so be careful" I warned. His body then collapsed on the floor, what the fuck. I somehow convinced myself to go closer.

     His neck was slit, and it was... Anti? But I thought we all made up. Then Dark appeared beside him. "What the fuuuuccccckkkkkk." "Boo!" Anti and Dark yelled at the same time.

I screamed in such a high pitch I scared myself and fell onto the floor.

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