Chapter 3

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Felix's POV
        "What the fuck Jack!" I yelled my voice laced with worry and anger. "I'm sorry okay! I just- was hungry..." Jack whined his voice trailing off.

"Mark will probably think it was just a dream." I whispered trying to apologize for being so mean. But Mark's yell didn't make it any better. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I stood up Mark's yell still ringing in my ears, " If he walks close, hide in the closet or whatever," I urged, I sounded like a mother. A mother that does these kinds of things.I sighed what did I get myself into.

"Felix? Felix! I had a dream where Jack was trying to be you with a horrible Swedish accent, then you walked in then I think I got knocked out when my vision started fading to black. Wait... am I still dreaming?" Mark rambled on about dreams inside dreams and that the dream was really realistic and how he missed Jack.

"Felix? Fe? You there bro?" Mark asked concerned. "Huh? Yeah, I'm here sorry, I was thinking about something." I deflected, "Then yes or no?" Mark asked, "um, or" I stated. I chuckled to my myself, " the air came up with that one." I added. "Well, shit. I didn't even ask a 'yes or no' question, are you hiding something from me? Maybe you are and your not Felix at all!" Mark began. While Mark was talking I slowly got up and snuck out of the room to go see Jack.

I ran through the hallways and finally found my room. My eyes darted across the room, searching for Jack. "Jack? You can come out now," I croaked .

Third person POV
     Jack curled up pulling his knees up to his chest. "Jack?" Felix called out his voice getting higher by the second. Jack was on top of a dresser ready to scare Felix, then Jack turned off the lights. Felix's high pitched scream filled the room as Jack jumped on top of him. The Swede stumbled around the room struggling to get the man off him. "Your an ass Jack, Mark could of heard!" Felix yelled anger boiling inside of him as his hands balled into a fist pushing Jack off of him.

"You could call me a Jackass!" Jack joked clearly still annoyed from the last time Felix scared him. As they talked upstairs Mark continued and finished recording a video he was working on and wondered why Felix was screaming. He walked up stairs hearing voices, he knocked on the door.

  Felix and Jack both went silent, Jack ran to the closet leaving it slightly open to see what was happening. That was a mistake, unless he found it. Mark knocked on the door once again harder this time, finally getting Felix's full attention. All Mark could hear was incoherent whispers and talking until, "Oh hi Mark." Felix said opening the door, " I heard you scream is everything alright?" Mark asked concern clear in his voice.

"I dropped something?" Felix claimed although his voice strained with fear and worry. Mark couldn't understand why, but this was good news to the Swede.

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, it was filled with exhaustion and relief. "You seemed always on edge for the past couple of days what's up?" Mark asked hoping to get the answer he was looking for.

   "PAX is coming up-" Felix began, "okay." Mark simply said looking at the very nervous man in front of him in the eyes. Felix turned and reluctantly went out the door, leaving Mark with the slightly open closet door.

Mark sighed and shook his head, he attempted to fall on top of the bed but failed and stumbled backwards into Felix's closet. "Really Felix." The red-haired man complained.

     To the Irishman's luck Jack was able to find a door just big enough to fit two people in. The door lead to other doors that lead to places around the house. Jack wondered around the space until he found one particular door. "What the fook is this?" He whispered, the label on it saying, 'Say Hi Jack'.

In utter confusion Jack blurted out a quick but loud, "Hi?" "Hey!" A man chirped while stepping out into the hallway. It was Felix. He was slipping out the 'say hi Jack' with a 'Guest Bedroom' sign. "What is this place?" Jack questioned still in shock this was here.

       "Secret passageways! What else would it be?" Felix guessed. With that said he let Jack go into the guest bedroom, it was a creme color with a white stainless bed. Just as Jack turned to thank Felix. He was gone, Jack sighed and made a mental note to thank him.

     On the other hand, Mark was very confused about how there were voices in the walls. He quickly stepped out into the hallway looking for Felix. "Felix? Felix! Feeellliiiixxxx!" Mark groaned.

He couldn't find him anywhere and he was about to storm off back to his room but was stopped with a familiar voice. "You called me? Felix queried, startling Mark. "Did you hear the voices in the walls?" Mark asked the man desperate for an answer.

Felix hesitated "Yeah, I did too. But it's late we should go to sleep, good night!" Mark mumbled a 'good night' under his breath and realized he was exhausted. He fumbled over to his room and fell on his bed, he went out like a light. So did Jack.

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