Chapter 10

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Authors note: sooo, WiFi decided to be a bitch, or someone could of  hacked something. Even the data/LTE didn't work, so the only things I could do was non WiFi things. I made two chapters while the WiFi was out to make up for not really posting a lot I guess.

Jack's POV
     "Anti?" I asked my eyes wide. "How... then... Mark... window... teleport," I heard Anti mumble. "Mark's there!" Anti's head snapped up and dove back into my hair. "Owwww," I whined and stood up.

    Then, sat back down, knowing that if I stood up I could fall down, hurt my head and stuff. A few seconds later Anti returned with Mark. Mark had bruises and cuts all over him and his eyes were dull and weren't as lively as before, and were a darker shade of his once chocolate colored eyes.

     "Did she get to you Seán?" Mark asked. He called me Seán. Was he that worried? Or that mad? I looked around the room, avoiding Mark's gaze. Anti stood off to the side eyeing Mark, Anti's gaze shifting back and forth from Mark and me.

"No," I answered carefully. "You guys aren't scared of me, right?" Mark asked his voice faltering at the end of his question. "No! We aren't Mark, why would you think that!" I yelled , he flinched at the harsh tone of my voice.

"Sorry, just, I don't want anyone else to leave," I explained. "It's," Mark hesitated, "okay." "Back to the task at hand, where is Dark?" Mark asked, returning the tense atmosphere.

"I don't care! Dark can kiss my ass!" Anti huffed, it was obvious that he was angry with Dark.

"Gladly," Dark joked as he appeared. Anti face was covered with a tinted red. I was so caught up in the moment I didn't even have the idea to ask how Dark got here and at this moment. I coughed, "kinky," i nudged Anti. Anti was now a covered in darker shade of red.

"Jaaaaaaaccccccckkkk!" Anti whined, "Annnnnntttttttiiiiiiii!" I replied with the same tone of voice. Anti tackled me onto the ground and tickled my sides.

I started laughing uncontrollably, and hauled myself up to tickle Anti. "Should we do something?" Mark asked, most likely to Dark. Dark shrugged. Weird. He's always so fancy and now he's shrugging. Mark grabbed Darks wrist and ran into the tickle fight in attempt to stop it. Turns out their attempt failed.

Felix swing the door open cursing. We woke him up. Once we all heard the door open, we stopped in sexual positions? Sensual? If you didn't get it, we looked like we were fucking each other. Felix was left speechless, opening and closing his mouth continuously.

"Hi?" I blurted out still bended over, I'm glad everyone had their clothes on. "You guys weren't fucking, right?" Felix asked rubbing his eyes. I stood up and blushed in embarrassment, rubbing the back of my neck.

   "No, you came at the wrong time," I clarified while the rest of them stood up. "On the bright side we have everyone here now," Anti added looking at each one of us. Felix nodded his head, "I know your lying, but I'll just pretend I fell for it, Jack." "Whatever, we have to find Hazel," I spoke up.

    "And how exactly are we going to do that?" Anti lowered his voice down to a whisper, "cut to Jack making an idea." "Anti? What are you tal-"

    "Anyways, that's what we should do for our plan, but I'm still wondering what you were talking about Anti," I stated. "I was just saying how you would come up with an idea," Anti shrugged. I can never get a real answer out of him, guys. Hey! Stop giving me that look!

I sighed as Anti went off to Felix to talk. They were finally having normal conversation for once! I think. I turned to Mark, Dark in the corner of my eye.

"Mark?" "Maarrrrkk!" He snapped his head to face me. "Huh?" "Are you ready for the plan?" I asked while my mind raced with questions. What if... what happens... I shrugged off the thoughts and focused my attention back to Mark. He nodded his head, still silent as always since we got him back. It's weird really. He usually talks a lot and right now he would probably be raging at a game, if he wasn't in this weird mood.

I heard some yelling and rolled my eyes. What are they doing now? I turned to face Anti pinning Felix to the wall with a knife at his neck. "Bitch, do you want to see if this knife is real or not? Because I'm going to-" I groaned in annoyance, "Anti, just because he thought your knife was fake doesn't mean you get the right to kill or hurt him."

"But Daaaaaaadddd!" Anti whined playfully, still holding the knife to Felix's neck.

"Anti, did you mean," Felix snorted and cleared his throat, "daddy." "That's it, go at him."


Mark's POV
I looked at Felix and I lightened up a bit more. "I can't believe Dark didn't try to even stop them," I chuckled while tilting my head towards Jack and Anti, who were giving high-fives to each other.

"And so he speaks," Felix grumbled, "and back to normal too, I guess." I shrugged, I didn't realize my change in mood. Maybe it was because I was being constantly reminded that I failed my friends, my sister, and everyone. I didn't save myself. I gave up so easily. That's what Hazel always showed me.

I shook my head and Felix was sprawled on the bed while he rubbed his head in pain. "Well, to be fair, you shouldn't have messed with Anti in the first place," Dark spoke up, he's always so damn calm, no wonder he is like my opposite, "At least it made Mark lighten up a bit." "Oh, so my pain makes you lighten up? Well, fuck you," Felix grabbed a pillow and threw it at my face.

"Frick you Felix!" I threw the pillow back and he raised his hands up, as to signal defeat. "Okay, okay chill bro," Felix grabbed his pillows and built a pillow fort to block people out.

Like that's gonna kept me from barging in there. As i was just about to break down his fort Jack interrupted me, "You guys! Stop messing around, we have to execute the plan well, we don't want anyone else to go missing, so would you guys stop messing around." Felix scoffed, "says you." Jack let out a groan and he was about to yell but, "Hey, I thought I was supposed the short tempered one!" I blurted out.

"Well-" Jack tried to reply but Felix, being the 'fabulous' bitch he is interrupted him, "oh wait, what's that, I thought we were supposed to stay on track with the plan Jack what happened?" "Bitch, I swear..." Jack's voice trailed off.

"Let's just continue with the plan, seeing as no one here is going to go on with it," Dark said calmly. I sighed, "Might as well."

Author's note: So, I didn't want something MAJOR to happen since Anti and Jack are going to make a pretty big decision in the next few chapters, maybe. I just wanted to put them joking around and having fun before they... SO, yeahhhhh. That's really all I wanted to put so see you in the next chapter! Bye!

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