Chapter 2

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Frankly, in my opinion, after this whole Kara incident today, all of us could use a drink. We were all stressed and tired. "Hey Hank, do you think I could come by your place to have a drink, maybe hang out a little?" I asked tiredly.

"Really? Damn, I didn't take you for much of a drinker."

   I playfully roll my eyes, "Is that a yes or a no?"

"Yeah, you can come home with Connor and I. You can call a cab home whenever you wanna leave, I guess."

"Thanks Hank."

Once Hank, Connor, and I finally finished our work at the station, we got into a self driving taxi and headed towards Hank's house. I always loved driving at night. Watching all the lights go by, and watching the stars in the sky. It definitely made Detroit more favorable at night. It was all so pretty and almost undescribable.

We pulled up in front of Hank's home. Man, I haven't been here in a while. We all got out of the self driving taxi and headed towards Hank's old fashioned, simple looking home. It was a white, one story house, with a giant brown wooden door. Hank pulled out his keys and unlocked the door.

We all walk through the door, Hank, me, then Connor trailing behind. It was nice and warm, just like home. Once Hank stepped one foot in the door, a giant Saint Bernard ran up and waited for Hank to pet him. Hank chuckled and pet his dog. "Y/N, this is Sumo." Hank stops petting Sumo.

     Sumo walks over to me and I pet him, but as soon as Sumo sees Connor, he practically tackles him. Connor lands on the ground with an oof, Sumo licking his face. Connor pets Sumo and chuckles slightly. "I think he missed you Connor." I said trying to hold back laughter.

     While Connor is playing with Sumo, Hank and I head into the kitchen for a drink. Hank poured himself some whisky. "You can grab whatever you like." Hank started sipping his drink.

     "Thanks Hank."

     I grab a big glass and pour my favorite drink, chugging it. Hank looks at me in shock. "It's been a rough day." I point out, pouring another glass.

     Hank nods in response, "Can't argue with you there." Hank sips his drink.

     I then think of something serious. "Hank, how've you been holding up? I know things have been tough, since..." I trail off.

     I can see Hank tense a little at the question. Hank hesitantly answers, "I... I've been good. Thanks kid." I can tell he is lying but I'll let it slide for now.

     "No problem Hank." I say with a comforting smile, patting his shoulder. "I'll be right back I'm going to go find a game or something." I grab my glass and start to walk out.

     "But I don't wanna play a game." Hank wines.

     I smirk, "Too bad."

     I head in the living room, leaving Hank with his alcohol. I look around, seeing Connor on the couch, petting Sumo and watching tv. He actually looked kinda hot...

     I, uh mean...

     Oh look, a bored game. I walk over and pick up the dusty box. I gasp, it was twister. I remember playing this game, it's been years. "Hey Hank." I call.


     I look up to see Hank in the kitchen doorway sipping away at his drink.

     "Look what I found." I exclaimed, jumping up and down like a little girl.

     "No, don't even think about suggesting we play that."

     "What? Why?"

     "Because I would break a fucking hip."

     "Oh, yeah."

     I sadly look down at my feet, only to immediately perk up again. "Hey Connor," I gave a big smile, "wanna play?" I turned around holding up the game towards him. I could practically hear Hank's eye roll.

     Connor look surprised I had asked him. "Y/N, I- that's not in my programing I-"

     I cut him off. "Fuck your programing. Please Connor, just play the game."

     He looked deep in thought, staring blankly ahead. His LED going yellow. Then he sighed. His LED went back to blue. "Fine, I'll play."

     "Yay, you hear that Hank?" I look over at him with a smirk.

     "Yeah, yeah. Don't have too much fun, I'm going back into the kitchen to finish my drink."

     "First, ha ha. Second, you're not going anywhere, you gotta spin the arrow." Hank gave me a annoyed glare.

     I take a sip of my drink, setting it on the table afterwards. I open the old looking box and pull out the mat, opening it on the ground. I hand Hank the spinner. "What are the rules?" Connor asked tilting his head slightly. Oh my God. Why does he legit look like a lost puppy?

     I quickly explain the rules to him as simplified as I can. "Does any of this make any sense?"

     "I believe so. Let's get started."

     "Jesus finally." Hank said impatiently.

     "Shut up and spin the damn arrow." I reply as Connor and I were getting on the opposite sides of the mat.

Hank angrily flicked the arrow, grumbling under his breath. "Y/N, left hand blue."

This went on for a while. Connor and I were both so good at this game, and because he was a android he had a little more flexibility than me. At some point we get into a position where Connor was facing upwards and his hands placed behind him. I was leaning over him, my breasts an inch from his face. I was blushing madly, trying to ignore it so I could win. But when Hank started bursting out in drunken laughter, I couldn't help but die of laughter, of course loosing and falling on top of Connor in the process.

As Hank and I were laughing without a care in the world, I heard something I never thought I would hear. It was Connor, he was laughing. I was shocked. Sure he has chuckled, but he has never actually laughed before. I admire his laugh, it sounds so... real and human. Connor stops laughing, looking at me worriedly. "Is there something wrong Y/N?" He tilts his head.

Oh, I hadn't realized I stopped laughing and was just staring at him now. "No Connor, I'm fine." I reassure with a smile. He even sounds more human, was... was Connor slowly becoming deviant?

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