Chapter 4

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"Hey Connor!" Hank calls.

Connor's yellow LED turns back to blue, and he opens his eyes, looking directly at Hank.

"You ran outta batteries or what?"

I chuckle slightly. As if androids have batteries. Wait, do androids have batteries?

"I'm sorry, I was making a report to Cyberlife."

"Uh... well do you plan on staying in the elevator?"

"No. I'm coming."

Hank impatiently walks away. I trail slowly behind him. Connor, eventually catches up. We make our way through the old, falling apart hallway. "What do we know about this guy?" I ask trying to ease the tension. Hank looks at Connor, curious about my question.

"Not much. Just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody is supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding a LED under his cap." Connor states.

"Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops."

"You got that right." I agree.

We silently continue the walk. Connor would stop every now and then, to examine evidence. "Hey, were you really makin' a report back there in the elevator? Just by closing your eyes?" Hank speaks up.


"Shit... wish I could do that." Hank leans against the apartment door frame.

Connor knocks on the door. There was no sound. Connor looks at Hank as if mentally asking what he should do. Hank shrugs. Connor faces the door again and knocks louder. "Anybody home?" Connor calls. There is slight rustling on the other side of the door. We all look at each other confused. "OPEN UP! DETROIT POLICE!" Connor yells. There is a crashing sound.

Hank and I pull out our guns and get into position. "Stay behind me." Hank says, getting in front of us.

"Got it." Connor and I say at the same time.

Hank kicks the door open. The apartment is just as smelly and trashy as the hallway. We make our way in, keeping our guard up. Hank checks all of the rooms as we walk pass them. We continue this until we make it to a door at the end of the room. Hank kicks it open and lots of pigeons flew out, startling me. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" Hank yells, angrily swatting at the birds.

I chuckle at the sight. Hank glares at me as he make his way in. "Whoa, this smells worse than the hallway." I state, waving my hand in front of my nose.

The room was a mess, there are pigeons everywhere, there is trash that littered the floor, there are things scattered about and knocked over. "Ugh, looks like we came for nothin'." Hank speaks up.

"How about you look around before jumping to conclusions?" I give a snarky reply.

Hank gives me a glare before looking around for evidence. As I walk, the pigeons fly to another spot. I walk towards a fridge and open it, there was no food, probably a deviant. I turn around and see Connor looking at a driver's license. "The driver's license is fake." Connor states out loud.

"Cool! At least we didn't come for nothing..." Hank sarcastically says.

Connor scans a military jacket. "R.T. Probably initials."

"He put initials in his jacket?" Hank questions.

"That's weird." I reply.

"That's something your mom does when you're in first grade."

We all look around a little more. Connor finds a journal, but it is indecipherable. Connor walks into the bathroom and I follow him. rA9 is compulsively written everywhere on the shower wall. According to Connor, it was written two thousand four hundered and seventy one times. There is blue blood and a LED in the sink. Of course it was a deviant. "I'm not surprised it was a android. No human could live with all these fuckin' pigeons." Hank grumbles loudly.

We look around some more. There isn't anything left to find. Maybe we really did come here for nothing. Connor walks up to a chair against the wall. He got on it and looks into a hole in the ceiling. Wait. When did that hole get there? You know what? Never mind. As Connor looks into it something falls out, knocking Connor onto the floor, scaring the pigeons and causing them to fly everywhere.

"GOD DAMN FUCKIN' PIGEONS!" Hank yells and starts swatting them out of his face.

I swat at them and barely get a glimpse of a figure running out the door. It is the deviant. "What are you waiting for?! Chase it!" Hank demands.

Connor immediately takes off. We can hear quick footsteps rushing down the hall. Hank and I chase after them. They are already across the building, Jesus Christ they're fast. Hank and I quickly fall behind. I see what seems to be a short cut. I follow the route, running as fast as I can, Hank following. I see the deviant running out of a field. We did it, we managed to cut him off. Hank ran in front of me. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" Hank shouts.

The deviant grabs Hank. They struggle for a second until the deviant pushes Hank off the roof and runs away. No. Hank quickly grabs the edge and is about to fall. No, not Hank. "HANK!" I shout, my voice full of worry. I run over and try to help Hank up, damn he weighs a lot. I can't pull him up. "Hang on Hank." (Pun intended) I say through gritted teeth. Suddenly hands come and help me easily pull Hank up.

I turn around and it is Connor. Connor had helped me save Hank. Instead of getting the deviant like he was designed to, he helped save a friend. Connor, he was slowly becoming deviant, whether he realized it or not.

"Shit. OH SHIT! We had it. Fuck." Hank is obviously shocked.

"It's my fault. I should have been faster." Connor states.

"No Connor, it's no one's fault." I give him a look of reassurance.

"We would have caught it if it weren't for me..." Hank takes a few breaths, "That's alright. We know what it looks like. We'll find it."

Hank starts to walk towards the roof door. I slowly trail behind. Hank turns around. "Hey, guys..." Connor and I look at Hank. "Nothing." Hank shakes his head and waves his hand, walking through the door.

I smile. Hank has his own ways of saying 'thank you.' This is one of them. You're welcome Hank.

Connor starts to walk towards the door. "Wait Connor." I stop him.

Connor turns around and gives me a curious look. "Yes Y/N?"

"I just wanted to say thanks, for uh, helping me with Hank. I couldn't have gotten him up here by myself. If you hadn't helped me, he more than likely would've... So thank you."

"There's no need to thank me Y/N, you and Hank are my partners. I will do anything to protect you guys."

I blush slightly. The way he said it. The tone he used. It all seemed so... sincere. So... human. So... deviant.

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