Chapter 7

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Connor, Hank, and I are investigating another crime scene. We are riding the elevator up to the top floor of the Stratford Tower. While we wait in the elevator, Connor pulls out his coin and starts doing cool tricks. He spins it on his pointer finger, tossing it into the air catching it with his middle finger, the coin still spinning. I watch in awe as he does this back and forth. Then he switches it up and tosses the coin to his other hand, catching it between his index and middle finger.

Although I was amazed, Hank on the other hand was annoyed. Hank snatches the coin. "Your starting to piss me off with that coin Connor."

"Sorry Lieutenant."

The doors open, meaning we finally reached floor seventy nine. Officer Miller turned around, when he saw us he greeted us. "Shit, what's going on here? There was a party and nobody told me about it?" Hank says referring to all of the people in the corridor.

"Yeah, it's all over the news, so everybody's butting their nose in. Even the FBI wants a piece of the action." Officer Miller replies.

"Ah Christ, now we got the Feds on our back. I knew this was going to be a shitty day."

"So, what do we got?" I question.

"A group of four androids." Officer Miller started walking, so we followed. "They knew the building and they were very well organized. I'm still trying to figure out how they made it this far without being noticed."

"Did you check the roof?" Connor inquires.

"No. Not yet. There's so much to look at." Officer Miller says. "They attacked two guards in the hallway. They probably thought the androids were coming to do maintenance. They got taken down before they could react. One of the station employees managed to get away. He's in shock, not sure when we'll be able to talk to him."

We get closer to the crime scene. "How many people were working here?" Hank asks.

"Just two employees and three androids. The deviants took the humans hostage and broadcast their message live. They made their getaway from the roof."

"The roof?"

"Yeah they jumped with parachutes. We're still trying to figure out where they landed, but the weather isn't helping."

We walk into the broadcast room. In the center of the room is a man. We walk towards him. Chris speaks up, "Oh Lieutenants, this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI."

Chris turns his attention to Perkins. "Lieutenant Anderson is in charge of investigating for Detroit Police. Lieutenant L/N is kind of here to assist him."

"What's that?" Perkins asks, talking about Connor.

"My name is Connor. I'm the Android sent by Cyberlife."

"Androids investigating androids, huh? You sure you want a android hanging around? After everything that happened?" I glare at him. What the fuck is that supposed to mean "Whatever, the FBI will take over the investigation, you'll soon be off the case."

"Pleasure meeting you. Have a nice day." Hank says in that tone I knew all too well. He was starting to lose his patience. We start to walk away.

"And you watch your step. Don't fuck up my crime scene." Perkins walks away.

"What a fuckin' prick." Hank states. I quickly nod my head in agreement.

Chris starts walking away, "I'll be nearby. If you need anything, just ask."

With that, we start investigating. From what I can see, there is blue blood and bullet holes on the wall. So maybe, when they were recording the message, the police came in and they shot at the androids. One of the androids got shot while escaping. Due to the injury, they were probably left on the roof.

"They didn't break in?" I hear Connor ask. He was standing by the CCTV, watching the security footage.

"No, no signs of forced entry." Chris answers.

"There are security cameras in the hallway. The staff would have seen what was happening, why did they let them in?"

"Maybe they didn't check the cameras." Hank points out.

Connor had a point. It was weird that the staff would let someone in without checking the cameras. Connor tenses slightly, then makes his way into the kitchen. Weird. I walk over to where Connor was and quietly gasp. I now see why he was tense. The chair was labeled 'ANDROID'. A deviant was watching the cameras.

I walk over to the kitchen. When I'm about to enter, I'm suddenly shoved out of the way by a JB300 android. He seemed in a rush, maybe that's the deviant. I turn to go after him when suddenly there's a crashing sound coming from the kitchen. Before I could even blink, I'm suddenly running into the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen is pretty normal, besides the knocked over chairs and small amount of blue blood smeared on the counter. "Connor?"

"Y-Y/N." I heard a quiet, raspy, robotic voice. "Y/N, I need help." I look around the table and see Connor on the ground, covered in his own blue blood. It looks like his left hand was stabbed and he was missing a biocomponent.

"Oh my God, Connor." I kneel beside him, worry taking over my body. I quickly take a deep breath to help me calm down. "W-where is your biocomponent?"

He points in front of him. I look and see it next to a table leg. I get up and sprint over to the foreign object, picking it up and dashing back over. I turn Connor onto his back and put the biocomponent in his chest. I hear a quiet beeping noise, okay, I guess that means it works? Connor gets up, immediately dashing out of the room. I am in shock from how fast he moved, it takes me a second to comprehend what had happened. When I did, I get up and follow him back into the corridor.

"STOP IT, IT'S A DEVIANT!" Connor yells.

When the JB300 android hears Connor, he turns around and takes a SWAT's gun. I try to pull out my gun but Connor quickly pushes me behind him, taking my gun and shooting at the deviant, killing him. Connor saved all of us. Connor held my gun out to me, I take it.

"Nice shot, Connor." Hank says.

"I wanted it alive." He replies.

I spoke up, "Connor, you saved our lives. Hank's life. My life."

Connor silently stared at me, blankly, but he seemed almost... Shocked? Confused? Something in-between the two. The expression he had was kinda cute, like a lost puppy. I can feel myself blush slightly under his intense gaze. Connor breaks our eye contact and walks towards the Android's corpse.

I stare at the ground. I am just really confused. I felt... something, for Connor. Something like a crush? But that's crazy, we barely know each other. How could you crush on someone you barely knew. Ugh, this is aggravating. I'll just deal with these thoughts later.

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