Chapter 5

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Connor and I walk out of the apartment complex. Man, it's been an eventful day, so far. Y'know, having to chase a deviant on a roof and all. We walk to where Hank is waiting in a taxi. Connor and I get inside. It drices off. Hank blasting some music.

As the taxi drives us to my apartment, we converse about different things, Connor eventually joining in. We all playfully argue, we laugh, we have fun. I believe, in this moment, we all just... forgot about the cases.

The taxi comes to a halt, meaning we are at my house. "Thanks guys. I'll see you two later." I wave as the taxi drives off. I sigh. I walk into my building and head towards my place.

'Room 12', my door read as I open it. I walk into my reasonably sized apartment, closing the door behind me. I wander over to my couch and plop down as I contemplate my day so far. Even though it is still reasonably early, all of that chasing got me tired. My eyes start to shut and I fall asleep.

Knock, knock, knock.

I awake to the sound of knocking. I tiredly groan. I get up and I could see through my window that it is definitely later, it is around ten o'clock. I make my way to the door and open it. Connor casually stands in the doorway. Wait, hold up. How did he get my apartment number?

I give him a confused look. "Hello Y/N, I apologize for the sudden appearance, but there was a homicide involving a devient at a sex club downtown. We are needed right away."

That was fast. "Ugh, all of these cases are gonna kill me." I complain as I walk away from the door to grab my stuff.

"Actually, your chances of survival after these cases are extremely high." Connor points out.

"Connor, that was just an exaggerated saying."


It is silent as I grab the rest of my stuff. "Alright, let's go." I start out the door, Connor following behind.

I live pretty close to Hank's house, so we decide to walk. We pass by many buildings and trees, having some conversation. It was nice. Everytime Connor speaks he sounds more and more human.

When we arrive at Hank's house, Connor knocks on the door. There is no response, besides Sumo's barking. Connor and I exchange confused looks. Hank's car is here, so Hank should be here. I ring the doorbell. Nothing. Connor goes around the house, I curiously follow him. He walks over to a window and looks through it. I look through a window and see Sumo laying down, barking. Connor walks further down to the next window, Connor looks shocked. "Lieutenant Anderson." Connor called out, slight worry in his voice.

I run over and see Hank passed out on the floor. "Y/N back up."

I do as Connor says and he breaks the window with his elbow. Hank's not going to be too happy about that. He backs up and leaps through the window. I climb in after him. "Be careful Y/N."

I blush slightly at his concern but quickly wave it off as I try to carefully get through. Sumo charges in, thinking we are intruders. "E-easy Sumo. We are your friends, we are here to save your owner." Sumo licks his nose then goes to eat his food.

I gently set myself in and rush to Hank. I see a whiskey bottle and a revolver on the ground next to him. Oh no. He is doing this again. Connor rushes over and quickly scans Hank. "Lieutenant?" Connor gives Hank two small pats on his cheek. Hank lets out some drunken sounds.

"Wake up Lieutenant." Connor gets slightly more demanding. Hank let out a drunken sigh. Connor smacks him. Hard. I hold back a chuckle. "It's me, Connor. I have Y/N with me." Connor helps Hank sit up.

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