19. moomin boy

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so, keep voting y'all pwease, the more votes and feedback for my selfish ass, the more and better updates are gonna be for y'all.
LONJIN is a wholeass bae, don't @ me.

Jaemin approaches Jeno during the break awkwardly rubbing his neck,

“Hey, I wanted to talk about our performance on the talent show”

The older’s eyes widen,
“Hi, Jaem, yeah actually we haven’t practiced for a while and we’ve got only one week left”

“I thought what if I perform with Renjun, he really wants to perform but is freaked out to do it alone”

In fact, it was Jaemin who suggested this to Renjun since he didn’t want to dance with Jeno, which would possibly lead to more humping and perverse.

“S-sure, I could dance with Yuqi instead”

Jaemin fakes a smile, “Oh, really? This is gonna be lit! Sexy concept?”

The older cringes, “I don’t think so, it’s gonna be really awkward”.

“Why tho? You two are dating..You’ve already..”, the younger clears his throat, “You know”

“What?”, Jeno stares at the younger for a while until he gets the point, “Oh..No. Nonono, we haven’t done anything yet”.

Something inside Jaemin flutters as if he had a burden on his shoulders which fell off.

“What the-, how come?”

Jeno looks down blushing, “I’m not ready..”

Jaemin nods in empathy,
“I know, you must be ready. It’s a serious thing, the first time..Wait until you are totally ready..First times must be special”,
the boy thoughtfully looks out the window as if speaking to himself.

“You’re damn right, Nana..”

The said boy shifts his eyes to meet the older’s kind gaze and suddenly he wants to bury himself in these black orbs, which are so familiar yet strange at times.

He scratches his head, “K, see you around, Jeno-yah”

“Jaemin wait”, the said boy turns around instantly, “You.. don’t wanna come back to my house?”

Jaemin smiles but he doesn’t look happy,

“No, I don’t. I’m sorry”.


“Jaemin if you try to molest me or something, ISTG, I may be smol, like shorter than you, but I’m freaking strong”

The boys are currently stretching to start practicing their ‘The Eve’ cover. Jaemin sits on the Chinese boy’s legs while the latter is working on his abs.

“I never said you are weak, moomin. You can top me, I approve”

The said boy lifts his body up, hands connected behind his neck, all sweaty,

“If you had a puthy, I’d be sure to top you..You look cute, but I’m not gay, sorry not sorry”

Jaemin giggles and mumbles accidentally,
“Jeno didn’t hesitate a second to shove his tongue down my throat tho”

Suddenly Renjun falls back hitting his head hard on the floor.

Argh”, he sits up rubbing the back of his head and stutters sheerly shocked,

Jaemin keeps opening and closing his mouth unable to answer,
Um..It was a joke?”, he purses his lips.

“I don’t find it funny? I see you, you liar”, the older hits Jaemin slightly.

The younger quickly stands up tilting his head and stretching,
“It’s none of your business. Lets just practise already”

Renjun stares at the space blatantly and confused, but complies after a couple of seconds.

Music starts to play as the two boys sway their bodies in sexy moves.
They keep practicing until the older plops down on his butt heavily breathing,

“ISTG, our performance is gonna impregnate every girl at the concert”

Jaemin chuckles, handing him a bottle of water,

“Equally it can turn half or more of the guys at the concert hella gay. Because bitch, I slayyyed”

Renjun cringes drinking his water, “Well, you didn’t turn me gay. I still want puthies”

“Mhm, why the fock you lyyyyin”, Jaemin starts twerking and singing the infamous meme song.

“What’s your deal with Jeno..”, the honey-haired boy stops immediately turning serious. He observes the room deep in thoughts before looking at his friend.

“Can I-, like trust you..because I wanted to keep it a secret?”

The Chinese boy puts a hand upon his heart,
“I, Huang Renjun, swear in the name of holy moomins and my religion named EXO that Imma keep my mouth shut about your secret till I die”

Jaemin sits in front of the boy taking a deep breath,
“Okay..We’d been pretty close with Jeno lately until he started dating Yuqi..Now he claims he’s totally heterosexual”

Renjun’s eyes nearly jump out of their sockets,
“So is that true about him shoving his tongue-, YIKES!”

Jaemin averts his eyes to the left, blushing, “If this was the only thing he did..”

The Chinese boy grabs his head cringing,
“I’m not sure I wanna hear this but I’m curious as heck at the same time”

Jaemin nods chewing his lips, “So..He’s saying he’s straight, but we’ve done a lot of perverted stuff”

“Didn’t you-Didn’t you say you’re a virgin?”

The younger pauses not knowing how to explain all the mess in his head,
“I’m not sure how it works for gay people..Their virginity and stuff, but well..”

The Chinese boy puts his hand on the younger’s shoulder,

“Just tell me what you two did, we’ll figure it out together”

Jaemin's endless coming outs lmao. and also imagine nct dream dancing to the eve.

yayyy, upvote and comment, bub!

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