~Ch1: rEcOmMeNdAtIoN~

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Maybe I'll crash into you

Maybe we'll open these wounds

We're only alive if we bruise

So I lay down this armor

I scribbled down the lyrics on my notebook, quietly humming along with the song.

I will surrender tonight

Before we both lose this fight

Take my defenses, all my defenses.

I lay down this armor.

"This could be really useful against defense based opponents. And the song isn't too bad either..." I mumbled, writing down the name of the song and artist under the lyrics.

"Armor" by Landon Austin.

I closed the notebook and stored it back in its place, hidden in what seemed to be a heap of old boardgame boxes, the same boxes that held dozens of identical notebooks filled from cover to cover with my vast collection of song lyrics.

The notebooks were a little secret of mine I tried to hide from the world. People mocked me enough as is, even feared me for the power I held, and that was with people thinking I didn't have a good grasp on it. So I decided to keep to myself and avoid ever using my power in front of others or share my research, lest I reveal my practiced skill with my abilities.

I didn't interact with others so to avoid being pestered or called a villain, and avoided attention, deflecting all praise as a defense mechanism, barely ever asking anything of anyone, no matter my wants or needs.

I couldn't bear it. Constantly being accused and feared whenever I asked for even the simplest need, everyone assuming I would use my quirk on them sooner or later if I were to keep making requests.

So, to put it simply, I decided to stop.

All that mattered was to not draw attention to myself and to completely delete the mere thought that I would take what I wanted or needed from anyone using my quirk.

My phone buzzed, interrupting my train of thought.

Checking the screen, I saw that it was Momo who had sent me a text; probably a link to a youtube video. I smiled softly, unlocking the phone and opening the messager app.

Momo Yaoyorozu.

The only one who I had ever confided the whole truth to. Everything from my research, to my secret training, and even my insecurities were revealed to her after years of knowing each other and developing the bond of trust between us.

She supported me incessantly, always encouraging and driving me forward. She helped me figure out and crack the code of my powers, going as far as to get me to test out my quirk and our theories concerning it on her (long story short, the first time around we got on an argument, her insisting heatedly I try my quirk on her, and me desperately refusing and completely negating the idea. Eventually, I snapped and accidentally used my quirk on her to get her to stop. Since then, I've been reluctantly experimenting with my quirk on her, but never before quarreling for a good 10 minutes).

So she always sent me she discovered that she felt could be of use, no matter how much I begged her to stop burdening herself for my sake. But she refused to stop, so I made it a point to always listen to the songs she sends and reply back so that her trouble is never in vain.

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