~Ch2: tHe ExAm~

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I looked back up at U.A. and my breath quickened again.

"Y/N, relax!" Momo laughed. "We've trained long and hard this week. Don't worry! We've totally got this in the bag." She beamed.

I could feel my arms and legs begin to tremble with the excess of adrenaline running through my veins. "I shouldn't have signed up for the recommendations exam," I whimpered. "My quirk isn't physical, I'm totally not gonna get it. I'm just going to embarrass myself, and I'll never get to be a hero, and-"

"Hey! My quirk isn't very physical either, you know? It doesn't mean it can't be powerful when properly utilized!" She assured me. "Which I'll definitely never be able to do..." She repeated, in an almost inaudible tone.

I halted in my tracks.

"Please, Momo," I pleaded. "You're perfect in every possible way, and have a crazy powerful quirk. So, I beg you, stop undermining yourself!"

"I've told you once, and I've told you a thousand times, Y/N." She shrugged. "Tho moment you overcome your fear of society and start asking for your needs, then I'll think about boosting my self-esteem."

I crossed my arms. "Apparently, there's no need to boost anything, miss 'relax!', 'don't worry!', and 'we've totally got this in the bag!' I mean, you aren't even nervous." I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Are you kidding?" She laughed loudly. "Here, take my hand."

I eyed her questioningly, then grabbed her hand with my trembling fingers.

And, well... She was trembling just as much as I was.

"You're scared too, aren't you?" I whispered.

"Terrified." She breathed back shakily. "I'm terrified of failing miserably and letting everyone down."

I looked up and met her glossy eyes. "But... How?"

"It's just a mask, Y/N." She smiled sadly. "An illusion of how I wish I could be."

A... mask?

A mask.




"You know what? You're right. I'm ready. We're ready. I really don't know why I'm so nervous" I switched, plastering a smile, and trying my best to calm the shaking, and holding Momo in a warm embrace.

We stood there for a minute until our breaths evened out and our shaking eased.

Then, as if nothing had happened, we continued on, admiring the buildings, gardens, and training facilities, until we reached the exam area.

"Wow. So this is Gym Gamma, huh?" Momo mumbled, voice still a little shaky.

The Gym was completely devoid of lighting, furniture, or separative walls, which only served to enhance its enormity. It was made completely of concrete, with all sorts of obstacles and platforms of all shapes and sizes scattered about, all also made of the same silver-grey material. It was truly impressive, definitely the work of the famous cement hero, and U.A. teacher, Cementoss.

After admiring the scene before us, and locating the group of teenagers at the far end of the room, Momo and I joined the other examinees as we waited for the exam to begin.

I felt someone bump into me lightly. I turned around to investigate, and I was met with a boy bowing in a very weird position, head on the floor.

"I sincerely apologize for crashing into you!" He exclaimed, a bit too loud. "I hope you can forgive me!"

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