~Ch10: tHe sOnGlEss, tHe sOnGbOrNe, AnD tHe SiLenCeD~

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I ended up missing the rest of the simulations.

So much for watching and learning from the others...

"Ugh, My head's hurting like a buttcheek on a stick." I groaned, rubbing my throbbing head.

"What kind of curse is that?" Someone giggled.

I snapped up, startled, but immediately regretted my panic as I felt a flash of pain cut through my head, choking me in my already breathless state. I slumped back down on the fluffy sheets as I rubbed circles on my forehead, taking in deep, shaky breaths.

"H-hey! It's just us Y/N, don't freak out." Someone else assured.

I cracked an eye open, catching a glimpse of the visitors.

"Oh, hi guys." I closed my eye again, focusing on regulating my breathing. "Sorry, you startled me..."

"Whoops, totally didn't mean to do that." The first voice, now identified as Ochaco, piped up.

"We just wanted to check up on you after that, well... Unexpected finish." Mina added. "How's your head by the way? You ended in quite a nasty fall."

"I-I did?" I mumbled, rubbing at the throbbing spot on my cranium. "huh, that explains the pounding at least."

"I'm just glad Kirishima reached you in time, ribbit." Tsuyu sighed. "Recovery Girl says you could've gotten a concussion had he not made it."

"One less thing to worry about at least," Momo intervened. "How's your breath? That's one of the worse cases of asphyxiation I've seen from you."

I coughed raggedly answering her question. She shook her head.

"Sorry, a-sphinxy-who?" Hagakure asked confused. "Sounds dangerous, you're not dying, are you? Just kidding! But seriously, are you okay?"

I risked a little laugh which led to another fit of coughs. At least my chest didn't hurt this time; progress. "It's my quirk's drawback." I heaved. It just serves as proof of how terrible it is.

"A weakness, like how I get nauseous when I float around?"

"Pretty much."

"But what is it?"

"It's the state or process of being deprived of oxygen, which can result in unconsciousness or death; aka suffocation." Momo clarified.

"You sounded like google." Jiro deadpanned.

"Fool, you do not recognize the very name you use?" Mina said dramatically. "The very google you speak of lives amongst us."

The girls laughed at her antiques, Momo hiding her face sheepishly.

"Hey, Y/N, how exactly does your quirk work?" Jiro asked once the laughter died down. "It's one of the most peculiar quirks I've ever heard of, and I have ear-jacks protruding from my ears."

"Yeah, well you don't secrete acid. I swear, my chemistry teachers in middle school kept using it for samples..."

"You guys have it easy." Hagakure seemed to cross her arms. "I wear size 13 nikes. Men's size 13 nikes. Beat that."

"All hail the queen of tik-tok, your power has us quaking where we stand," Mina added in her recurring dramatic fashion.

"No, but seriously, I want to know." Jiro continued. "I mean, a singing based quirk, I'd give anything for that."

I shook my head. "Believe me, it's not nearly as cool as you make it sound."

"What do you mean?! I'm sure with a quirk like that, you must have a killer voice! And there are so many uses I can think up for, it's insane!" Ochaco put in excitedly.

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