~Ch11: cLaSs ReP~

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"You need to choose a class rep and vice." Mr. Aizawa said boredly. "The title is an opportunity for you, as students and potential sidekicks and heroes, to gain extra recognition amongst agencies and the pro-hero community. So, do what you need to do to elect them, and until then, don't talk to me." Aizawa zipped up his yellow sleeping bag and plopped down to the floor at the foot of the teacher's desk.

"But if we vote, everyone will just choose themselves. No one will get a majority, and no one will get the title!" Someone shouted from the back, getting nothing but a grunt from our homeroom teacher as a response. Others began to add commentary of their own.

"Guess we'll have to deal with it," I mumbled, twirling a pencil. "Anyway, this system does assure that a majority, if occurring, would be authentic and well deserved at least."

"Settle down everyone! This is no way to do class elections." Iida stood up, adjusting his glasses. "Does anyone have any suggestions on voting procedures?"

"We could just simply write the name of the person we vote for on a piece of paper, then have one of us count the votes," Momo suggested, sitting up straighter. "It's how we used to do it back in middle school."

"Yeah, sounds good to me." Sero shrugged. "The only question is, who gets to count?"

"Why not Iida? He took charge, he should be the one to do it." I proposed. Some people voiced their agreement. Iida nodded and began prepping a table on the board to tally the points.

"Okay then, everyone. Write the name of the person you vote for on a piece of paper then bring it here!"

And so the class set to work, some having their neatly folded piece of paper ready in a matter of seconds, others rubbing their foreheads, seeming yo be at a loss for who to vote for.

I was one of the latter, hesitating between Momo and Iida.

I'd known Momo almost my entire life, and I knew that she would be an exemplary representative. However, in the few first days of classes, Iida had proved himself to be the perfect rep image. Plus, it seemed a little cliche to vote for my friend...

"I-I don't know if I want to vote for myself..." Momo whispered next to me. "I don't think I'd be a good representative."

I stared at her for a minute, processing her words. "Momo," I smiled softly. "You'd be perfect for the job. You've proved that to me time and time again." Making up my mind, I finally wrote down a name on the piece of paper and lifted it for her to see. "So you'd better get that vote. I won't have it any other way." My smile widened as her eyes lit up.

She quickly wrote her name in her neat handwriting, and stood with me to hand Iida our votes. He thanked us, placing it with the others on the table, and we headed back to our respective seats.

As we neared our corner, I glanced at Todoroki. He had just finished folding his paper and was moving to give his vote to Iida. As our paths intersected, the world slowed down as he fleetingly met my gaze and cocked his head to the side, almost like a silent greeting. I mimicked the gesture, struggling to retain the heat that rushed to my cheeks. All color had faded to grey, all but the hue of his form, which seemed to glow. But the moment ended just as it had begun. Time returned to normal, and the colors had returned to their original design, and it was like it had never happened.

"You should really believe in yourself more, Momo," I continued the previous conversation, dismissing the previous scene as an illusion. Surely it had just been her mind playing tricks on her, manipulating the whole soulmate ordeal. "You're kind, powerful, and pretty much a genius. Have more faith in yourself!" I winced as I realized how redundant I was getting. "I keep telling you that, sorry... It's gotten a bit annoying I'm sure, but it's true."

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