~Ch3: tEaMwOrK, wHo?~

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"We still have one more challenge before you kiddies go home."

I returned my gaze to Present Mic, trying to ignore the sneers of the multi-chromatic eyed boy. He'd been glaring at me since the speed test.

The agility and intelligence tests had gone by quite well, despite my unease. 

The agility test was a simple, short, but challenging obstacle course. requiring a lot of flexibility, jumping, maneuvering, and quick thinking. 

As for the intelligence test, it was a strategy, planning, and deception game of sorts. 

Now, only the final and most important test remained; the cooperation test.

"We will be examining your cooperative skills by teaming you up with a random person and throwing you into a heated situation." The pro hero explained.

Momo and I immediately locked eyes, planning to team up, as did a few others around us, but our plans were quickly foiled by Present Mic's cackles.

"You don't get to choose your partners!" He exclaimed smugly. "The whole point of this challenge is to see how you work with strangers on the spot!" I groaned, disappointed and worried. I'd never had a good partner in school, neither any good experiences with group projects, no matter the project (excluding Momo, of course).

"How'll you be choosing the teams then?" Someone asked.

"We'll be drawing lots!" Present Mic answered cheerily, revealing 2 boxes, "And the opponent you will be in up against will also be determined by a draw."

I crossed my fingers, hoping I'd end up with Momo. I saw her doing the same.

Present Mic then started the draw

"Juzo Honenuki with Setsuna Tokage."

"Inasa Yaorashi with Momo Yaoyorozu." My heart deflated, and Momo gave me an apologetic look.

If Momo's with Inasa, then who will I be with?

Almost as if the fates had heard my question, my question was answered.

"Y/N L/N with Shoto Todoroki."

I looked around timidly, looking for my partner when my eyes landed on him.

Oh no, no no no no no no no. Not him, anyone but him! What kind of sick joke is this?!

He glowered at me, and my breath hitched.

I took a deep breath and smiled. A thin smile, a fake smile. A mask. But a smile nonetheless. 

He narrowed his eyes, the anger of his aura seeming to lessen, just barely.

"Okay!" Present Mic exclaimed, after having selected all the teams. "Come over here and choose your challenge!" He spread his arms in a grand gesture.

Seeing as my partner was yet to move from his initial spot,  I shyly approached the box.

I watched as, turn by turn, the other examinees drew a name, revealing the identity of their opponent, until my turn came.

I gulped, reached my hand into the box, and fished out a neatly folded piece of paper.

I offered it to Present Mic, who took it from me gingerly, unfolded it, and read the content hidden inside.

He smirked, looking at me smugly. "For your challenge, you'll be fighting me."


We were given 10 minutes to talk strategy with our partners before our challenges would begin.

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