~Ch7: NoT wHaT hE sEeMs~

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As his name was called, the boy of ice went forward and claimed his place on the throwing circle. All voices quieted down as the once rowdy courtyard began to resemble a desert. Every student watched in anticipation to see what kind of quirk their third recommended student had.

All except for me.

I'd already witnessed and experienced the strength of his ice first hand. I also knew about his fire, which he never uses.

Out of nowhere, a single pillar of ice rose up and forward, propelling Todoroki's ball far and beyond. I blinked twice, looking from the crystal ice, to his steaming figure, and back at the now disappeared ball.

Mr. Aizawa nodded approvingly and called on the next student. Todoroki quietly left his spot and walked back to the gathered crowd as our classmates erupted in awed chatter, commenting on his performance.

He barely acknowledged the compliments given to him, and his expressions remained hard as stone, not wavering from his default emotionless face.

"You know," I mumbled. "this guy's colder than his own ice."

"But you gotta admit, his quirk is pretty useful. And I got the feeling he can do much more than just create a single pillar of ice." Momo defended cheerfully. I shrugged.

The rest of the tests were pretty uneventful. I "asked" Ochaco to use her anti-gravity quirk on me for both the push-ups and sit-ups to lighten my body weight and ease the strain, resulting in pretty good scores (not without an avalanche of apologies though). Otherwise, I just relied on pure skill.

A long hour after we began, Mr. Aizawa finally projected the test results for everyone to see, and I quickly scanned the results.

 Aizawa finally projected the test results for everyone to see, and I quickly scanned the results

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"I got first!" Momo exclaimed excitedly, twirling in place.

"That's amazing Momo!" I smiled and high-fived my friend. "I got 14th. Lower than I was hoping..."

After exchanging more words with Momo, I quickly searched the crowd for Ochaco, but instead stumbled upon a dumbstruck, green-haired boy.

"I g-got l-last p-place..." He muttered, horrified. "I'm g-gonna b-be exp-pelled."

I shook my head. "Y'know, he was joking."

"I didn't p-pass... And it's j-just the f-first d-day..." He continued, ignoring my statement.

"Hey, hey. Calm down." I tapped him lightly on the shoulder, and re-read the scoreboard, spotting his name at the bottom of the list. "You're Midoriya, right?"

He slowly turned to face me, clutching his finger weirdly. "Y-yes?"

I opened my mouth to reassure him again when I was interrupted by Mr. Aizawa.

"By the way, I was lying about the expulsion." He revealed blatantly.

I sighed exasperatedly as almost everyone gasped in unison, speech-less.

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