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Hi everyone...

This has been a long time coming and I've been putting it off for too long, but it's time I officially discontinue this book 😔

With all that's been going in my life, I simply don't have the time or motivation to commit to writing long fics anymore. I mean, I barely ever updated, and when I did update they weren't my best work...

This is no way means I'm leaving wattpad though! I will continue to read your outstanding comments and love and cherish each and every one of you 🥺💖

Also, I have plans for a bunch of short oneshots I might write every now and then (since they don't require any long term commitment) so look forward to that! I might also make an ao3 account some day is I write enough, so I'll keep yall updated.

If any of you are interested in continuing this fic, or "adopting" it, please go ahead! But please be sure to credit me and pm me about it 😊

One last thing I need to out out there: I have a couple chapters I had dedicated for notes for this book. Ideas and plans and such. They're an absolute mess and not in any way easily understandable, but if you guys want, I can publish them so that you guys can have an idea of where this whole thing was going? Comment yee or naw :))

And finally, again, thank you so much guys for this 2 year journey and all your support as I struggled with this fic. I'm so sorry I couldnt give you the story you deserved, but it was still a wild ride and I wouldn't trade it for the world 😔💜

Life before death, strength before weakness, and journey before destination 🔥 (kudos to u if u get the ref)

Until next time you guys 👊


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