~Ch9: sHoW yOuRsElF~

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"Okay, we need to come up with a plan, and quick." The redhead, aka Kirishima, rushed. "We're up next"

"Just our rotten luck we got the handicap." Tape elbows- Sero- huffed.

"Well, we have the advantage of numbers at least..." I squeaked.

"Hey, guys, don't fret about it!" Kirishima beamed. "We got defense, so, basically the role with the smallest need of separation! If we all stay in the room with the bomb, we'll be good to go!"

"Yeah, no." Sero crossed his arms.

"What? Why?"

"This is U.A. hero training, and you guys want to stay put?" He cracked his knuckles, smirking. "I need to stretch these oversized elbows of mine-"

"You know what? You're right! That was so unmanly of me..." Kirishima nodded. "We still need to deal with the communication issue though-"

"Or, I could sing them frozen while you guys bind them?" I suggested shyly. "Actually, nevermind. I'd rather not use my quirk too much" I added as an afterthought.

"Yeah, better we didn't, never know what might go wrong if we rely on just one person. No hard feelings though-" Kirishima rubbed his neck

"Any other ideas you might have would be greatly appreciated about now though." Sero cringed as Blastey and Bone-breaker collided on the screen. "Ouch, that's gotta hurt-"

I averted my gaze from the ensuing explosion, but the floor still shook from the vibrations.

Wait a minute...

"Okay, I need to double-check something..." I pondered. "Our bomb will be in the basement, and they don't know that, right?"

"Yes, why? What're you getting at?"

"I- I think I might have an idea actually, but... It's risky." I perked up.

"We like risky." The boys nodded. "Let's hear it."



Loud, rushed footsteps were heard moments after All Might signaled the beginning of the test as the chase began.

"Do you really think he'll be able to distract Tokoyami and Tsu long enough for us to move the bomb?" Kirishima cracked his knuckles.

"Hopefully, yes. I mean, he's literally a Japanese, tape version of spiderman. But we still have to work fast." I rushed to the bomb. "Come on Kirishima, help me carry it."

Together we lifted the heavy prop and treated towards the stairs. The footsteps above us grew fainter and fainter as the 'heroes' moved upward.

"I still don't get why we can't just leave the bomb behind." He caught the bomb as it slipped, hardening his arms into rock.

"In case one of them catches on to our plan and abandons Sero's goose chase-" I heaved. "We don't want them stumbling onto the bomb with no one around to protect it."

"Yeah, I get that," He sighed, as we started up the stairs. "But we'll be on the ground floor with the bomb below us. There's no way they could get to it without us noticing."

"Correction, they could easily get to it without us noticing. We'll be waiting at the entrance of the building, so the stairs won't be in sight."

"Oh, I get your point then." He shifted hands as we finally reached the ground floor. A sudden vibration shook the building as, hopefully, Sero slammed the door to the last floor. "That's the cue, they'll be on the roof in a minute!"

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