~cH12: wEiRd~

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"Do you ever eat anything other than pizza?" Momo wrinkled her nose.

"Nope!" I took another cheesy bite.

"It's so unhealthy though, Y/N."

"Isn't mochi just as bad though?" Jiro snickered, eyeing Momo's choice of meal.

"I'll have you know, mochi is a perfectly healthy snack." She popped another bite into her mouth, accenting her point.

"Okay, mom." I sighed

Momo pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. Meanwhile, Jiro laughed hysterically.

As they continued to converse, I scanned the cafeteria. I had wanted to check up on Iida after the presidential vote since he'd seemed so disappointed. But despite his height, he was damn hard to find among the hundreds of students in the crowded room.

I took another messy bite of my lunch only to choke when my gaze met a familiar set of heterochromatic irises. Todoroki's eyes narrowed as I quickly whipped my head away.

Then I started coughing.

Rather loudly actually.

"Uh... You okay there Y/N?" Jiro looked worried.

"Choked... P-pizza..." I wheezed.

Momo rubbed my shoulders reassuringly and the fit finally subsided. She started to say something, probably a thorough scolding, when a jarringly loud alarm suddenly went off.

To say that the entire student body went into a panicked frenzy would be an understatement.

It was absolute mayhem.

Now, thanks to our wonderful homeroom teacher's decision to have us skip orientation (thanks a lot, Mr. Aizawa), we hadn't the slightest idea what the alarm meant, but judging by the reaction it caused, it definitely seemed more serious than a simple fire alarm.

We got up, and started moving towards the emergency exits, joining the flow of students.

"Hey, Momo, any idea what--" I turned only to realize that I'd lost my friend in the crowd. My breathing sped up and I froze in place, but in the heat of the moment, none of the frantic students let up in their rush to evacuate. I was elbowed in the side, and pushed to the rear of the group, and somehow ended up pressed against a window that looked upon the main gate far below.

I squinted against the glare of the sun, trying to find a focus point in order to calm my palpitating heart and shallow breathing.

"Is- is that the press?" I managed to breathe.

A nearby student who had somehow heard me paused in his rush and eyed me questioningly.

"The press, at the gate." I pointed. The student seemed familiar, but I couldn't think clearly. They seemed to be adjusting a pair of glasses as they peered out the window.

"Wait, she's right!" A feminine voice added. "Deku, do you think they're what triggered the alarm?"

"That would make sense... We need to tell everyone!"

Was that a head of broccoli? I shook my head. I was starting to see things in my frantic state.

"Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me?" The first figure snapped their fingers. They crouched down and I was met with a familiar stern face and head of navy blue hair.

"I-Iida?" I stammered.

"Y/N, do you think you can sing something to get everyone to stop and calm down?"

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