The mind of Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 2

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(A/N) This is the second book in a series. If you haven't read the first one, I advise that you do. Happy reading! :)



The summer break had gone by quickly. Amie spent her days talking to her mom, drawing with her dad, and going out for occasional runs around the neighbourhood. On her first day back home, Amie had celebrated a delayed birthday with her parents and grandparents. She had received many presents, including a little kitten which she had named Chrystal, because of its very blue eyes.

Her grandparents had bombarded her with questions about her year and everything magical, and they were perfectly fine about her being a witch. Amie spent many afternoons at her grandparents house, drinking tea with her grandma and building model-planes with her grandpa. She appreciated those moments, because she knew they were both getting older and she wanted to spend as much time as possible with them before they passed away.

Amie had been morphing away the scar she got at the end of first year for a few days in the beginning, but one day she forgot to do it before going downstairs, and her mother noticed it straight away.
"Oh, honey! What happened?" she exclaimed while taking her daughters face in her hands.
"What do you -- oh, you mean my scar?" Amie asked, and Anne nodded. "Oh, well. It's nothing, really. I got it in school, a friend hit me with a fire spell by accident."
"Then how come I only see it now?" Anne gasped.
"Well, I found out I'm a metamorphmagus, it means I can change my appearance at will." Amie explained while morphing her hair a bright red colour. Anne was speechless.


Amie had corresponded by owl with both Hermione and Ron, and even Draco, but not once had she received a letter from Harry. She was torn between worry and hurt, she didn't know the reason why he wasn't answering. Amie knew that the muggles he was living with didn't treat him well, but would they stop him from sending letters? She hoped that they weren't, but since neither Ron or Hermione had gotten anything either, that was the only logical explanation. Ron had offered Amie to come stay with the Weasleys for the end of the summer, but Amie had declined. She wanted to be with her family for the holidays. She had, however, told Ron that they would meet at Diagon Alley. Ron would write her when they had decided which day to go on.


Soon came the day that she would meet up with her friends in Diagon Alley. A few days earlier, she had received her Hogwarts letter with the new book list.
"Amie, are you ready to go, honey?" Anne Jones yelled up the stairs.
"Nearly, mum! I'll be down in a minute!" Amie yelled back, while combing through her hair one last time and checking over her clothes in the mirror.
"Ready!" Amie said when she entered the kitchen.

"Great, your father will drive you to the Cauldron, he's waiting in the car."

"Good, bye mum!" Amie gave her mother a hug, and went outside.
They reached Diagon Alley fairly quickly, so Amie took her time while walking to Gringotts with her father. After they had changed their money to Galleons, Sickles and Knuts, Amie followed him back to the brick wall and said goodbye.
"I'll be back in a couple of hours, I'll wait outside in the car for you if you're not there yet." David smiled and gave her a hug before leaving the pub. Amie headed back to Gringotts, and standing on the stairs was her best friend Hermione Jean Granger.
"Amie!" Hermione shouted and started running her way.

"Hermione!" She shouted back. They met halfway and embraced each other.
"I've missed you so much." Amie told her dear friend, burying her nose in her bushy hair.
"I've missed you too --" Hermione said. "Harry! Harry! Over here!" Hermione suddenly shouted, and Amie spun around. Coming up the street was Harry and Hagrid. They ran down the steps to greet them. "What happened to your glasses? Hello, Hagrid - Oh it's wonderful to see you two again. Are you coming into Gringotts, Harry?" Hermione asked.
"As soon as I've found the Weasley's." Harry replied, while hugging Amie and Hermione.

"Yeh won't have long ter wait." Hagrid said, grinning.
Sprinting up the street were Ron, Fred, George, Percy and Mr. Weasley.
"Amie, Hermione!" Ron yelled, running up and hugging them. Ron then turned and started talking to Harry and Hagrid. Amie didn't pay any attention to what was being said, because just then the twins saw her. Amie had become good friends with the twins the previous year, and she had even helped them with a few pranks. Not to mention, they played in the same Quidditch team.
"Amie!" they yelled in sync, and grabbed her in a hamburger-hug.
"G-guys. Can't. Breathe." Amie gasped, and the twins released her. They were both wearing smug grins, and Amie suddenly became suspiscous. What was the twins up to? Suddenly a wave of nausea hit Amie, and she lost her vision for a second. In it's place she saw herself and the twins standing exactly where they were now. Suddenly the twins swept her off of her feet, and placed her on their shoulders. Her vision returned, and there the twins was in front of her again. It seemed they hadn't noticed her 'abscence'. Her eyes grew wide when she saw them leaning forward to pick her up from the ground.
"No, no, no, no, no!" Amie said while jumping out of their reach. "I do not want to go into the air!"
The twins faces grew confused.
"How did you know what we were going to do?" George asked.
"I'm psychic, remember?" Amie said, without thinking. She hadn't told the twins about her visions, and she hadn't planned to. Thankfully, the twins laughed it off as a joke.
After the Weasley's and Harry had gotten their money, Mrs. Weasley told them they would meet up at Flourish and Blotts in one hour.
"Harry, Ron, Hermione?" Amie said. "I want to go with the twins, is that okay?"
Her friends nodded, so Amie and the twins walked off. Mrs Weasley was shouting after them not to go down Knockturn Alley. They laughed and went to do their shopping, chatting away.

An hour later they were standing in the bookstore waiting to meet Gilderoy Lockhart, the author who wrote almost the entire booklist. Amie had noticed that all the women standing in the crowded room seemed to think Lockhart was devilishly handsome. They kept fixing their hair and blushing. Amie couldn't see what the big deal was. Sure, he was good looking, but does that mean that he's any different than anyone else? No, it doesn't. Amie actually thought that he seemed very conceited and over-confident. All of his books wore his face as a cover, beaming brightly. He was sitting in front of them by a table surrounded by pictures of him. He had blonde wavy hair, a very white smile, and forget-me-not blue robes. Amie was so busy glaring at the annoying git that she didn't even notice that Harry, Hermione and Ron came. It wasn't until Lockhart saw Harry that Amie snapped out of her thoughts.
"It can't be Harry Potter?" he practically shouted after standing up abrubtly. He ran forward and dragged Harry in front of them all. Everyone applauded, and Harry blushed. Amie felt sorry for him, and at the same time she was furious at Lockhart. "Ladies and gentlemen." he said loudly, holding Harry around the shoulders so he couldn't escape. "What an extraordinary moment this is! The perfect moment for me to make a little announcement I've been sitting on for some time! When young Harry here stepped into Flourish and Blotts today, he only wanted to buy my autobiography - which I shall be happy to present him now, free of charge -" the crowd applauded again. "He had no idea, that he would shortly be getting much, much more than my book, Magical Me. He and his schoolmates will, in fact, be getting the real magical me. yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure and pride in announcing that this September, I will be taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"
The crowd cheered and applauded once more. Amie, however, booed. The twins looked at her as if she was an angel, and Amie smiled at them before making her way over to the books. When she got all the ones she needed, she paid for them and made her way to the front door of the shop. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Mr. Weasley were standing there. And they were talking to Draco and his father. Amie didn't arrive in time to hear anything from the conversation because just then Mr. Weasley attacked Mr. Malfoy. Mrs Weasley was screaming at him to stop, while Fred and George were cheering him on. The shop assistant was hopelessly trying to stop them. Suddenly Hagrid appeared, tearing them off of eachother. Mr. Malfoy threw Ginny a book he'd taken from her cauldron, before sweeping out of the shop, Draco at his heels. When Draco passed her he winked. Amie smiled back at him. It was good to see her friend again, even if they couldn't talk.
"I better hurry back, my dad's waiting for me." Amie said and waved at her friends. Harry, Hermione and Ron waved back at her, while the twins hugged her again.
"Bye, Amie, see you at 9 3/4!." they said, in sync.
"Bye." Amie laughed, before turning on her heel and running off towards the Leaky Cauldron.


There! That was the first chapter of the sequel, I hope you liked it! :) It took almost three hours to write x) Comment! Bye! 

 EDITED 15/3-2013

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